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Shadow Crimson Dragon Plz comment & rate:D


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1 Shadow Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner monsters

As long as this card remains face-up on the field, it is unaffected by Spell, Trap, and Monster Effects. The ATK and DEF of this card is equal to the combined ATK and DEF of the monsters used for the Shadow Synchro Summon of this card. When this card is Shadow Synchro Summoned, you can tribute 1 monster to increase the ATK of this card by the ATK of the tributed monster. Tribute 2 monsters to destroy all card(s) on your opponent's side of the field. Pay 1000 Life Points to destroy all card(s) in your opponent's hand and inflict 300 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points for each destroyed card.

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Well, let's start of with something positive. Your OCG is pretty good. Next, inverted pics suck! You have no picture, just a black background. To improve, find a good quality pic, and don't invert the card, ok ^_^


Untill then, i'm afraid your rating will be pretty low, 3.4/10.

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