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Basic Zombie Deck

Zombi Masuta

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After a break from yugioh, I've come back and decided to make a zombie deck. With the new structure deck I couldn't help but not.

((My Old deck was just a plain beatdown deck))


Monster |20|


|2| Red Eyes Zombie Dragon

|2| Paladin of the Cursed Dragon

|3| Zombie Master

|2| Giant Rat

|3| Pyramid Turtle

|2| Marionette Mite

|2| Exiled Force

|1| Plague Wolf

|1| Sangan

|1| Morphin Jar

|1| Spirit Reaper


Magic |18|


|2| Enemy Controller

|2| Cold Wave

|2| Card of Safe Return

|2| Book of Life

|1| Call of the Mummy

|1| Monster Reborn

|1| Shrink

|1| Mystical Space Typhoon

|1| Magical Stone Excavation

|1| Creature Swap

|1| Heavy Storm

|2| Zombie World

|1| Terraforming


Trap |3|


|2| Bottomless Trap Hole

|1| Mirror Force


I know a lot of fixes are needed for this deck, mainly goblin zombies and that one from Pre. Pack 2. But I've been out of the game for a while now. :P

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Monster |17|


|1| Card Trooper/Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

|2| Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon/Darkness Gear/Kokki

|3| Mezuki(Premium Pack)

|2| Goblin Zombie

|3| Zombie Master

|3| Pyramid Turtle

|1| Sangan

|1| Morphing Jar

|1| Spirit Reaper


Spell |18|


|2| Burial from the Different Dimension

|3| Allure of Darkness/Hand Destruction

|2| Card of Safe Return

|3| Book of Life

|1| Monster Reborn

|2| Shrink/Cold Wave

|2| Foolish Burial

|1| Heavy Storm

|2| Zombie World



Trap |5|


|3| Solemn Judgment

|1| Torrential Tribute

|1| Mirror Force


Glad I could help

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Thanks for the tips Kuchiki Byakuya and BlueThunder37.

Gonna make a few changes a bit later tonight' date=' BlueThunder the build you gave seems rather solid. Tho isn't creature swap a staple for Zombie anymore?



It probably is with Rat Zombies but that isnt the case here. You could side deck them though.


Nice meeting a new member who doesnt suck.

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