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Death Whisper 2 | (PG-16 for Violence and Sexual Content) | Finished | Lock Pl0x

Big Bad Pennar

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Ooc: Okay.



Rokujo looked at his glass of blood, and said, "...Blood, a mysterioust thing of the human body. It is the wine of us Vampires, yet, we need this so called wine." Rokujo then saw a girl outside of the window, and Rokujo looked at her, and thought, "Hey, who is she?"


OoC: The girl's name is Yuuki.

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OoC: Updated the First Post, you can Control Yuuki


All of a sudden, The White Hawk Leader reappears


WHL: It seems that Travis was able to summon His Moon Guards, oh and i see a guest


Ryko, thinking she is a spy for the Yata, Charges at her, but was Held back by the White Hawk Leader


WHL: Wait, She could be friendly, Who Knows?

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OoC: The Enemies left, I assuming that you went after tham Cody, also, they are hidden Strains


A Ninja Slams Cody and Knocks him out, then the Next thing he knows, that he was suspended on chains, Still Knocked out while the 3 Moon Guards were fighting the Dark Lotus




???: Nothing, who are you, Hey wait a minute, who are those 2, they look tasty

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OoC: I mean like she should act like a regular person, with the exception of th Death Whisper and strain. Okay, maybe this will help you out a bit.


When Rokujo drank his blood, Yuuki thought, "W-Who is this man? Is that blood?!" Yuuki, then saw the fangs in Rokujo's mouth, and gasped loudly.

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