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Death Whisper 2 | (PG-16 for Violence and Sexual Content) | Finished | Lock Pl0x

Big Bad Pennar

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Travis: No, but look Over there


Travis Points to Ryko, Who is all Chained up and Knocked out, then Travis Points at the Leader, who has Blue Hair


Travis: Rokujo, I need you to stall that guy while i get Ryko


Travis Runs Towards Ryko, Then a Hellbird Comes Flying behind him and Flies him up to Ryko, and he starts Cutting the Chains, the Leader started running towards Travis with his Sword Brandished about to hit Travis when....

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Rokujo then felt his heart skip a beat. "Grr.. GACK!" Rokujo coughed up some blood, and some of of the blood, and flung it at the leader. Rokujo then jumped as high as he could, but he jumped too high than he though he would, and met face to face with the leader, adn said, "Eh, sorry, but I gotta do this." Rokujo then punched the face if the leader, who flung back really far. "Holy sheet!"

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The Leader then Flew back and Slashed Wildly at Rokujo with his Claymore, then he Sees Travis and Flies towards him


Travis: Aww SH*T


Travis Cut the Chains Quickly and took off running with the Leader flying right behind him along with 5 Jumpers and 5 Ninjas and 3 Heavy Soldiers, With all the Yata Gone except the Fake ones, Then Suddenly, A Familiar Face appears and Slices all the Jumpers with one Slice


OoC: If you are wondering about the Leader flying when he doesn't have wings, he uses his psychokinesis to fly

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Rokujo then realizes tha he got his powers back, but they were stronger than before. Rokujo then flies in front of the Leader, and says, "I might consider going to hell sometime, I might see you there." Rokujo then grabbed the Leader's throat, and began to choak him mercilessly.

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Rokujo used his Psychic powers, to break free of the Ninja's psychic powers that were binding him, and Rokujo began to choke the Leader once more, this time, he stop choking him, and started to punch him in the guy a couple of times, and then, Rokujo kicked upward, sending the Leader sky-high, and Rokujo came along with him, and grabbed him. When Rokujo got a hold of him, he started to spin, and crashed into the ground, but the only person that was in the crash, was the Leader.

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Travis: We got Ryko, now lets get out of here!


A Bunch of Jumpers and Heavy Soldiers Rushed to Protect the Leader While 2 Ninjas made a Large wall, Separating Them from the Rest of the Dark Lotus


Travis: Something isn't Right here


Travis Ran and Collided with another wall, then 2 Invisible walls close in, then all of a Sudden, a Sword sticks up from the Floor and moves around Rokujo, William, Travis, and Kira. Right before the walls collided with each other, the Chunk of Floor that Travis, Rokujo, William, and Kira was standing on fell and they were in a Secret Room that almost nobody knew about


Travis: Where are we

WHL: In an Undercover Base, Below the Dark Lotus's Base

Travis: We got Ryko, now to get home

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Rokujo continued to cough up more blood. "Ugh, HACK!!" Rokujo couched up even more blood, more and more with each cough. "Damn it, it's like I keep coughing up blood, no matter what." Rokujo then bragged a small book, a reminder of his Brother. Rokujo began reading it, despite him coughing up blood. Rokujo then found a page that said, "There is a legend that said, a boy named Rokujo had powers beyond imaginable, but coughed a huge amount during his battles, so that is why he developed a bloodlust during battle, and would drink the blood of his enemies, so he can stay alive, alomst like a vampire. This was often called the final stage of strain, Stage 6, which was referred to 666, stage 6 for the body, stage 6 for the mind, and stage 6 for the soul." Rokujo then stared in shock. "Everybody, take a look at this." Rokujo showed them the page.

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