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Gear Town Demise


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I have ben gone for a while and this is the deck I have ben playing with. It is kind of generic so don't be to harsh.



Deck: x40


Monsters: x16


Demise x3


Tri Horn Dragon x3

Manju x3

Senju x2

Sonic Bird x2


Spells: x22


Gear Town x3

Trade In x3

Contract with the Abyss x1

End of the World x1

ARA x1

Allure x3

Terraforming x2

Swing of Memories x2

MST x1

Reborn x1

Storm x1

Limiter Removal x1

Trunade x1

Magamorph x1


Traps: x2


7 Tools of the Bandit x2



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