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Cards that I did today, you know the rule on my posts, only constructive criticisms!







As long as this card is faced up on your side of the field, negate an spell or trap card effect to a monster you control. Once per turn you may pay 1000 life points to search for a spell or trap card from your deck and put it onto your hand. The deck is then shuffled.




If you have out on the field any field card that increases an AQUA monster's ATK and DEF points, as long as this card is faced up on the field, any damage calculation done after a battle phase is halved, and on your next battle phase, reduce this monster's ATK points by half until the end of your opponent's End Phase.




Attach this monster to a WARRIOR monster you control, the ATK and DEF of this monster is combined with that WARRIOR monster and when attached, both monsters are counted as one monster. If this card is being attacked or if it's destroyed, this card deals damage to you times 2.








If any monster is being attacked and this card is faced up on your side of the field, switch all of your monsters to DEF mode (except this card) and this card takes the attack instead, if this card is destroyed from play, remove it from the game and deal the amount of damage to your opponent that this card was dealt times 2.




This card can only be special summoned by a spell card's effect.

During battle phase, pay 1500 life points to destroy the monster you are declaring an attack with this monster, your opponent takes the full ATK points of that monster to his or her life points. (You have a choice to use this effect or not.)

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I think that the lvls are just too high for the monsters status (ATK/DEF) maybe you could lower the lvl or buff them ^^u


Some cards art woul look better with another background, I think that the cards look better with a nice background that gives the monster an atmosphere acording to it's name or something like that ^^


I liked some effects but maybe you could work some more on them like when you say 2 times it could sound better DOUBLED or something like that ^^


Nice work anyway, improving is the only way


My Rate: 6/10 watch out your grammar ^^

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