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[PG 13]Gundam Seed Destiny The Black Wars [Started] [Applications Still Available]

Tokyo Duel

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OoC: Well, I'll do as much as I can. Cause I have to make sure my mom doesn't catch me up this late at night.



"Look Takashi, if you want to get yourself killed, just like what we are going to do with the other alliances, that's fine by me." Rokujo then turned, and said with a mumble, "If you die, I won't care one bit. In fact, I hope you really do die."

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OoC: [spoiler=Orion Gundam Specs]

Model Number: ORB-X025

Code Name: Orion

Unit Type: Prototype Assault Mobile Suit

Color: Black, Gold, and Navy Blue.

Operator: ORB

Cockpit image: [link]

Dimensions: 19.50 Meters head height

Weight: 89.79 Metric Tons

Equipment and design: Sensors (Range Unknown), Class-S ‘Smart’ Interactive Artificial Intelligence, Magnetic Coated Joints, Charged Particle Converter, WEEBOs, and “Zero” System

Fixed armaments: 2x 75mm multi-barrel CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head;

2x Type-75 Kai beam saber, mounted in chest (Near head), hand-carried in use;

x1 530mm Super Charged Particle Gun, mounted in torso, requires atmosphere for use;

x2 M7X9 Beam Shield, mounted in arms;

2x Type-02 Flame battle axes with anti-beam coating, stored shoulders, hand-carried in use;

x6 ADMM Launchers, mounted in Wings

x2 and 85mm Gatling Beam Cannon, mounted in shoulders.

Optional hand armaments: 2x H.E.M.P.A.C. MK II. Offensive System (High-Energy Multi-Phase Assault Cannon) 1st phase: 57 mm high-energy beam machine gun, 2nd phase: 94 mm high-energy single shots, 3rd phase: 25.6m Heavy Ion Particle Cannon, (3 second charge time), mounted in both Right and left hands when in use, can be combined to make a double barrel H.E.M.P.A.C MK II, can be mounted in Wings when not in use.



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Kisuke had fallen asleep with out anybody's knowning but woke up to the sound of gundams. "Wait up he shouted.


[spoiler=Chaos Information]

MMI-GAU1717 12.5mm CIWS x 4

MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS x 2

MA-XM434 beam claw x 2

MGX-2235B Callidus Kai multi-phase beam cannon

EQFU-5X mobile weapon pod x 2

MA-81R beam assault cannon x 2

AGM141 Firefly guided missiles

MA-M941 Vajra beam saber x 2

MA-BAR721 high-energy beam rifle

MMI-RG30 cruising mobile shield (MMI-GAU2 Picus 76mm machine gun x 2)



"Gundam settings Check. Chaos Gundam Normal. Updating Cortex Nuclear Reactor Critical. Power systems good-to-go. All systems in green. Chaos Gundam's settings activated! Launch Chaos Gundam!"

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"Hmm, interesting, well, Raiku, flank them from the right, Tarudan, you do the same to the left. Kisuke, you and me get them from the front, and Takashi, do whatever you want."

Tarudan then said, "Alright! I'll kill them for ya!" Rokujo then replied, "Careful, we want to bring them to the center and... Ah funk it, give 'em Death then."


[spoiler=OoC: Forsaken Darkness Specs:]



Model Number: DARK-XZ001

Code Name: Forsaken

Unit Type: Assult Mobile Suit (Final-Type)

Color: Black; White; Red

Operator: FDXZ

[spoiler=Cockpit image:]



Dimensions: 20.50 Meters head height

Weight: 85.50 Metric Tons

Equipment and design:

Sensors (Range Unknown), Class-S ‘Smart’ Interactive Artificial Intelligence, Magnetic Coated Joints, Charged Particle Converter, "Forsaken" System, and Gardinuim Alloy

Fixed armaments:

2x 80mm multi-barrel CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head (Activated by nervous system command)

2x Type-13 Kai beam saber, mounted in Guns carried for ranged fire (Activated by nervous system command)

x1 550mm Super Charged Particle Gun, mounted in chest, requires atmosphere for use (Activated by nervous system command)

x2 ZX00 Beam Shield, mounted in arms (Activated by nervous system command)

x6 ADMM Launchers, mounted in Wings (Activated by nervous system command)

x2 80mm Gatling Beam Cannon, mounted in shoulders (Activated by nervous system command)

Optional hand armaments:

2x H.E.M.P.A.C. MK III. Offensive System (High-Energy Multi-Phase Assault Cannon)

1st phase: 60 mm High-Energy Beam Machine Gun

2nd phase: 90 mm High-Energy Single Shots

3rd phase: 26 m Heavy Ion Particle Cannon, (3 second charge time), mounted in both Right and left hands when in use, can be combined to make a double barrel H.E.M.P.A.C MK II, can be mounted on Waist when not in use.

Techniques (Requires Seriene State of Mind and the "Forsaken System" turned on):

Forsaken Finger: Charged Ion Energy in right hand | Duriation Time: 5 Minutes

Forsaken Finger Sword: Charged Ion Energy transfered into Type-13 Kai beam saber | Duriations Time: 10 Minutes

Sekiha-Tenkihoen: Charged Ion Energy into Crest, transfered into Charged Ion Energy from hands, creating an Ultra Heavy Ion Blast | Duriation Time: Until Fired | Max Ion Energy used to charge: 40% from Ion Energy Core located in the center of the Mobile Suit.



"Forsaken" System= A similarity to the "Zero" System, but not exactly, this can only be equipped to "Forsaken Darkness" and when equipped, it cannot be taken out. This system also enhances the senses a bit, because of his energy needed to pilot the gundam.

This also allows the pilot to use certain techniques that can only be used during a "Seriene State of Mind".



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Tarudan: Hehe! Let's do this!


*Flies of to the enemy and suddenly an Explosive Wave came forth from the Kakazi*


Hehe! Guess who's here to exterminate ya!


*Enemy starts firing at Tarudans Gundam but the Gundam was only scratched a bit*


Enemy: Uh-Oh! Wath the hell is that thing!?


Tarudan: *Suddenly starts charging up his E-158 Shock Blaster* and then talks in himself: "Booya!" *The giant energy ball flies of to the enemy*


Enemy: Agh! We're done for! There's nothing we can do!


*Suddenly the Energy Ball wipes away excistence of the Enemy*


Via comlink: It's Tarudan here, the enemy has been killed and now awaiting further orders.

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Raiku blasted some Moblie Suits to Oblivion. "Well...this should be quick..."





[spoiler= Twilight Shine Specs]

Model Number: SHINE-X072

Code Name: Twilight

Unit Type: Assault Mobile Suit (Final)

Color: Gold, White, Silver

Operator: SHINE

Cockpit Image: (Click to View)


Dimensions: 21.30 Meters head height

Weight: 83.60 Metric Tons

Equipment and design:

Sensors (Range Unknown), Class-S ‘Smart’ Interactive Artificial Intelligence, Magnetic Coated Joints, Volt Charged Particle Converter, "Shine" System, and Neutron Jammer Canceler.

Fixed armaments:

2x 80mm multi-barrel CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head

2x MGX-2235 "Callidus" multi-phase beam cannon, mounted in torso;

2x Type-13 Kai beam saber, mounted in Guns carried for ranged fire

2 x MA-M02G "Super Lacerta" beam saber, stored on hips, hand-carried in use;

x1 550mm Super Charged Particle Gun, mounted in chest, requires atmosphere for use

x2 ZX00 Beam Shield, mounted in arms

x6 ADMM Launchers, mounted in Wings

x2 80mm Gatling Beam Cannon, mounted in shoulders

Optional hand armaments:

2x H.E.M.P.A.C. MK III. Offensive System (High-Energy Multi-Phase Assault Cannon)

1st phase: 70 mm High-Energy Beam Machine Gun

2nd phase: 90 mm High-Energy Double Shots

3rd phase: 36 m Heavy Ion Particle Cannon, (4 second charge time), mounted in both Right and left hands when in use, can be combined to make a double barrel H.E.M.P.A.C MK III, can be mounted on Waist when not in use.

Techniques (Requires State of Mind and the "Twilight System" turned on):

Twilight Gale: Charged Ion Energy both hands | Duriation Time: 6 Minutes

Twilight Saber: Charged Ion Energy transfered into Type-14 Kai beam saber | Duriations Time: 13 Minutes

Kidora-Siaknesu: Charged Ion Energy into Wings, transfered into Charged Ion Energy from hands and crest, creating an Magna Heavy Ion Blast | Duriation Time: Until Fired | Max Ion Energy used to charge: 30% from Ion Energy Core located in the center of the Mobile Suit.



"Twilight" System= A similarity to the "Zero" System, but not exactly, this was custom made for "Twilight Shine" ,when equipped it cannot be taken out.

It Enhances the system by 40%



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