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[PG 13]Gundam Seed Destiny The Black Wars [Started] [Applications Still Available]

Tokyo Duel

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"This sector, were not gonna destory it, were gonna dominate it. With our current expirience at the moment, just one of us can take on about 1000 Enemy Hositle Mobile Suits at least." Rokujo then takes another device, and draws an area. "Tarudan, you will take this area, because two of the enemy forces are at constant warfare here because of their distance." Rokujo then draws on the other side of the map, and continues, "Raiku, this area is your, which is also the same conditions as Tarudan's however, they are differnt forces."

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"Acutally, on contrare..." Rokujo started, then used the same drawing device, and drew circles at the top and bottom, and continued, "I will get the top, and Kisuke will get the bottom, and we will not only kill their army, but also drive the enemy forces into the center, and there, all the alliances will fight each otehr, and we can join if we want. However, I will just watch them fight to the death." Rokujo then laughed sinisterly.

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Tarudan: You sick bastard *Tarudan grinned happily*


So if i get it me and Raiku will take on the outer rim of the base and you and Kisuke will take the inner rim...


But what if i destroyed the outer Suits, do i have to come in and berserk with Kisuke and you?

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"The main purpose it to drive all enemy forces to the center, and then, when they see each other, they will fight to the death." Rokujo then stopped laughing, but still grinned, and continued, "However, if they call a truce, then, we have no choice but to give them hell, and recieve domination."

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"Sigh, try to get them to the center, however, if they fail to comply.... Kill them." Rokujo then walked to the door, and said, "We will begin tommorrow, by then, all of the Gundams should be repaired and ready to mobilize." Rokujo then walked out of the room.

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Tarudan: I don't need any practice. My Kakazi has a tendecy to work immediatly, besides if my Gundam isn't fuctioning properly i'll pay for it... With my own life.


It only has 2% chance my Gundam will malfunction.

Tarudan: *Talks to himself:* Adjust the control panels:Check!

Shine up Battle-armor:Check!

Loosen grip control:Check!


Hey guys! I'm ready for batle!

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Rokujo then walked to a giant door, and pulled out a card from his pocket, and swiped it through a device next to it. Then, the door opened, and a giant gundam moved foward on another device that was used to push/pull things to other places. Rokujo then got into the cockpit, and looked at the information. Everything was good, except for a tiny little viruse that was detected, and Rokujo then said, "Hey Raiku, you got a Virus deleter?! I can't seem to find mine!"

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