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Robotic Shop; Sigs|Avatars|Holoing, Everything is 50% off for a limited time!!!


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@Andx: uh...

First' date=' you should post the image of the card here, no need to URL them, except that if it takes a long time to wait. And do you mean I should make them grey? Or on the top is black and the bottom is white?

@J123: OK, I'll change it.[hr']


You didn't change my sig example :(

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@J123: You should be patience. I have a test for about, um... 7 days (excluding Sunday and Saturday) for the final test, I'll change it.

@RS-is-the-best: OK, hired. But for holoing, sure you want to have the job with J123?

@kaibarawks: Double order, right? Sure.

@Mig8: Oh J123, an order for ya! But the employee form is denied. Coz you didn't give me the example, what are you specialized in, and the prices & the forms. But for the working day?? Lemme think first...

BlitzerRyuusei's picture link:

http://i36.tinypic.com/2ujsi09.jpg (The picture isn't displayed on my computer)

Price: I'ono if you want to pay it, it's complicated, but whatever, pay or not.

Kaibarawks' coming.

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Hello heres my member form.


Picture: Blue eyes ultimate dragon

Rarity: Super rare

Stars: 12

Type: dragon

Attribute: ATK:4500 DEF:4500

What Card: Fusion

My employe form



Working days:Friday' date='Saturday and Sunday



l shall get working on your order :P

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