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Robotic Shop; Sigs|Avatars|Holoing, Everything is 50% off for a limited time!!!


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Hi there, and welcome to Robotic234's Shop.

Hi there, and welcome to Robotic234's Shop.



Sub-Text (optional):


Anything Else:


If you want a sig from J123, its form is like this:

Rendered Image (In a spoiler):


Sub Text:



J123's Sig:





Sub-Text (Optional):

Render or Picture Background:

Anything Else:




What colour:

What parts that don't need to be coloured:




[spoiler=Member Cards][spoiler=Form] Username:

Picture: (Optional)

Rarity: (Optional)

Stars: (Optional)

Type: (Optional)

Attribute: (Optional)

What Card: Synchro, Fusion Etc (Optional)



[spoiler=Example] mj0h3q.jpg


[spoiler=Holoing][spoiler=Form] What kind of holo? (Either all holo or holo background)

Have a Holo Name?

Holo Sheets: [X]



[spoiler=Example] 2946qzs.jpg



[spoiler=Booster Packs][spoiler=Form]Booster Pack Name:

# Cards per Pack:

Pcture's URL:

Old or New LOGO:




[spoiler=[color=#FF0000]Hiring to be a worker[/color]]Username:

What specialty are you:



Prices (if any)




1.Don't spam.

2.Don't insulting other members, or you're banned from the shop.

3.Don't swear.

4.Don't steal anything from the shop. If you do so, then it's -1 rep.

5.Don't ask when did your order is done. I have a life outside this forum, and I'm online on this site for (sometimes) looking at the forums. Usually I'll post the reason of being 'why'. If you ask when will the order's come, then it's automically denied.

7.Please use the form given, or it'll be denied.[/align]


Sigs: 5 points

Recolours: 3-6 Points

Avatars: 5 points

Member Cards: 3 Points

Holoing: 3 Points, 2 points if you want RS-is-the-best to do it

Booster Packs: 2 points


[spoiler=The Shop is...]OPEN






[spoiler=[color=#00BFF0]Waiting List[/color]]

1. Kaibarawks, 2 avatars.






[spoiler=[color=#00BFFF]Ban List[/color]]1.






[spoiler=[size=large]This month's promotion]

Decemuary's Discount: From 12 Dec '08-20 Jan '09, everything discounts 50%!!


Happy shoppin'!

~Pac-Man's Cousin

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Liam95, a render is a picture with a transparent background, so the image you posted to him was the render, lol.

And so I don't get negged, here we go with my order:



Text: Killer

Sub-Text: None

Render or Picture Background: My Current Avatar

Anything Else: Nothing. Make It Look Good

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Username: J123

What specialty are you: Can do Holos and Holo names and banners and sigs avitars and member tribute cards lol

Examples:I'll giv u link to my shop examplez r der click here to go to shop!


Holo Form


What kind of holo? (Either all holo or holo background)

Have a Holo Name?



Form For Member Tribute cards


Picture: (Optional)

Rarity: (Optional)

Stars: (Optional)

Type: (Optional)

Attribute: (Optional)

What Card: Synchro, Fusion Etc (Optional)


Prices (if any) 3 Points for everything

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Sub-Text (optional):none

Render:dont know what it means???

Anything Else:could i have this pic 359fwqa.jpg

and a yellow background


Liam95' date=' a render is a picture with a transparent background, so the image you posted to him was the render, lol.

And so I don't get negged, here we go with my order:



Text: Killer

Sub-Text: None

Render or Picture Background: My Current Avatar

Anything Else: Nothing. Make It Look Good


OK, you both are accepted; and I'll do your orders.


Username: J123

What specialty are you: Can do Holos and Holo names and banners and sigs avitars and member tribute cards lol

Examples:I'll giv u link to my shop examplez r der click here to go to shop!


Holo Form


What kind of holo? (Either all holo or holo background)

Have a Holo Name?



Form For Member Tribute cards


Picture: (Optional)

Rarity: (Optional)

Stars: (Optional)

Type: (Optional)

Attribute: (Optional)

What Card: Synchro' date=' Fusion Etc (Optional)


Prices (if any) 3 Points for everything



K, you're hired, however you should post the examples here, otherwise they'll think I'm steal from your shop.\

Thank you for shopping. Please pay the points.

liam95:2v2ax6q.jpgIt's 5 points, BTW, do you mean 100x400 or 400x100?

Killerxkid:2wg7xhy.jpg It's 5 points.

~Pac-Man's Cousin

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K Examples coming! :-)


Examples here


Heres just a holo background



Heres a full holo



Heres a holo name & Holo Background



Heres a member tribute card :-)

Of Blood Rose my favourite mod



Alright, I'll add you to the employers list. You are now fully hired!

~(deleted because I'm bored)

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