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Overdrive Teleporter: Discussion

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CSOC-EN083 - Overdrive Teleporter

LIGHT/Psychic - Effect/6/2100/1200

This card cannot be Special Summoned. You can pay 2000 life points to special summon two Level 3 Psychics from your deck. This can only be used once while this card is face-up on the field.


= = =


One of our Crossroads of Chaos promos. Seems alright, A Psychic staple IMO



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Telekenetic Charging Cell + This = Psychic Swarm?


Doesn't say "once per turn".



CSOC-EN083 - Overdrive Teleporter

LIGHT/Psychic - Effect/6/2100/1200

This card cannot be Special Summoned. You can pay 2000 life points to special summon two Level 3 Psychics from your deck. This can only be used once while this card is face-up on the field.

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should only be run in dedicated Psychic decks


and in them it's just paying 2000 LP for a Goyo.


just stating how that is a blunt and false statement.


okay the extra deck doesn't count when i say a Psychic dedicated deck.


i meant the main deck


sorry for not being specific enough

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Guest PikaPerson01

^ Terribly limited tuner.


On-topic: Only 2 level 3 Psychics exist. Mind Protector and Psychic Commander. No other deck except a dedicated Psychic build would main either one. The fact that it must be tribute summoned makes it even more difficult to come up with.


TeleDAD has better things to main then this, considering the other baggage they'd also have to run to make it viable. Nothing except a dedicated Psychic build would use it, which is what pretty much everyone's already said so far in this topic.

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Telekenetic Charging Cell + This = Psychic Swarm?


Doesn't say "once per turn".



CSOC-EN083 - Overdrive Teleporter

LIGHT/Psychic - Effect/6/2100/1200

This card cannot be Special Summoned. You can pay 2000 life points to special summon two Level 3 Psychics from your deck. This can only be used once while this card is face-up on the field.


I fail. D:

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I just thought of something, but it's a situational combo, though still a use.


Activate Overdrive's effect, SP Summon 2 Nazi Commander, SP summon 1 Quillbolt Hedgehog from grave, synch into Magical Android, synch into Thought Ruler.


It may be situational as hell, but it's still a use.


The card isn't so hot as of this moment though.

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Does anyone notice that the Special Summoned Monsters HAVE to be Level 3? That means no Krebons.


This is just horrible.

The world doesn't run around Krebons you know




thank god.

psychic Hitler FTW.This guy we're discussing+2 Psy-Comms+Mind Protector=Hyper Psycho Gunner+Goyo.2 awesome synchros for 2000 lp.i like it a lot.plus,Tel-Cell.

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Does anyone notice that the Special Summoned Monsters HAVE to be Level 3? That means no Krebons.


This is just horrible.

The world doesn't run around Krebons you know




thank god.

psychic Hitler FTW.This guy we're discussing+2 Psy-Comms+Mind Protector=Hyper Psycho Gunner+Goyo.2 awesome synchros for 2000 lp.i like it a lot.plus' date='Tel-Cell.



I missed the part of this card that lets you Special Summon three monsters.

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