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monarch/synchro deck!!

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x3 gemini elf

x3 jutte fighter

x1 marauding captain

x1 maha vailo

x2 dark blade

x1 crystal seer

x1 dark crusader

x1 snipe hunter

x1 nitro synchron

x1 krebons

x3 thestalos the firestorm monarch

x1 mobius the frost monarch

x1 caius the shadow monarch


spell cards:


x2 soul exchange

x2 enemy controller

x1 magical mallet

x1 lightning vortex

x1 card destruction

x1 card trader

x1 fissure

x1 double summon

x1 heavy storm


trap cards:


x2 magic drain

x1 kunai with chain

x1 compulsory evacuation device

x1 sakuretsu armor

x1 threatening roar

x1 dark bribe

x1 forced back

x1 zoma the spirit


extra deck:


x1 goyo guardian

x1 red dragon archfiend

x1 nitro warrior

x1 colossal fighter

x1 stardust dragon


lmk what u guys think and how can i make it better. thanks

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x3 gemini elf No

x3 jutte fighter

x1 marauding captain

x1 maha vailo No

x2 dark blade

x1 crystal seer

x1 dark crusader Why?

x1 snipe hunter

x1 nitro synchron

x1 krebons

x3 thestalos the firestorm monarch No

x1 mobius the frost monarch

x1 caius the shadow monarch


spell cards:


x2 soul exchange

x2 enemy controller

x1 magical mallet

x1 lightning vortex

x1 card destruction

x1 card trader

x1 fissure

x1 double summon

x1 heavy storm


trap cards:


x2 magic drain

x1 kunai with chain No

x1 compulsory evacuation device

x1 sakuretsu armor

x1 threatening roar

x1 dark bribe

x1 forced back

x1 zoma the spirit No


extra deck:


x1 goyo guardian

x1 red dragon archfiend

x1 nitro warrior

x1 colossal fighter

x1 stardust dragon


lmk what u guys think and how can i make it better. thanks


I don't see how this could run...


You need Raiza' date=' Kuraz, Solemn, Metal Reflect Slime ((10X better then Zoma)), Treeborn, Mirror Force, E-teleport...


Gravekeepers Spy works Well in this Deck due to easy 2000 DEF search.


Just drop Gemini because it Sucks, Run Gene Warped or Chainsaw Insect if your going to run a Strong lvl 4,


marauding captain... In a Monarch... No, For A plain Synchro he's decent due to easy Special, but in Monarchs you go more for Tributes and Locking your opponent Down.




Raiza +1

Thestaltos -2

Kuraz +2

Caius +1 (at Least)

Zaborg ((If you must)) +1

Gravekeepers Spy +3

Treeborn +1

Gemini Elf -3

Genewarped +1

Tricky +3

Dark Blade -2

Marauding -1

Krebons +2

Prime Material +2

Maha Vailo -1

Jutte Fighter -3

Dark Crusader -1

Snipe Hunter -1




Soul Exchange +1

Enemy Controller -2

Card Trader -1

Monster Reborn +1

MST +1

Mallet ((It's okay I guess...))

Fissure -1

Double Summon +1

Card Destruction -1

Hand Destruction +1





3x Solemn

1x Mirror Force

Sakuretsu -1

Magic Drain -2

Zoma -1

Metal Reflect +2

Kunai -1

Forced back -1





should now look like


Monsters 21:


Raiza x1

Kuraz x2

Caius x2

Zaborg x1

Gravekeepers Spy x3

Treeborn x1

Genewarped x1

Tricky x3

Krebons x3

Prime Material x2

Mobius x1

Thestaltos x1


Spells 12:


x3 soul exchange

x1 magical mallet

x1 lightning vortex

x2 double summon

x1 heavy storm

x1 MST

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 E-Teleport

x1 Hand Destruction



Traps 8:


Solemn Judgement x3


Mirror Force x1

Metal Reflect Slime x2 ((at least))


Total: 41



Monarchs are Easier to Control then Synchro

Opression and Decree and good Side cards due to Monarchs Effect happening when Tribute Summoned not Special Summoned


please correct my Corrections if Im wrong.

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x3 gemini elf

x3 jutte fighter

x1 marauding captain

x1 maha vailo

x2 dark blade

x1 crystal seer

x1 dark crusader

x1 snipe hunter

x1 nitro synchron

x1 krebons

x3 thestalos the firestorm monarch

x1 mobius the frost monarch

x1 caius the shadow monarch


spell cards:


x2 soul exchange

x2 enemy controller

x1 magical mallet

x1 lightning vortex

x1 card destruction

x1 card trader

x1 fissure

x1 double summon

x1 heavy storm


trap cards:


x2 magic drain

x1 kunai with chain

x1 compulsory evacuation device

x1 sakuretsu armor

x1 threatening roar

x1 dark bribe

x1 forced back

x1 zoma the spirit


extra deck:


x1 goyo guardian

x1 red dragon archfiend

x1 nitro warrior

x1 colossal fighter

x1 stardust dragon


lmk what u guys think and how can i make it better. thanks




+1 Zombie WIN


Build Zombies. They're fun and cheap to build.

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