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Mech Force Deck *-Fixed-*


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Ok since no one cared about the first cards that I created well... I decided to make some more but this time I focused on creating some machine ilegal deck... why ilegal? because I think that machines are cool and they deserve some nice cards that will help them on the real Machine Revolt... so here are my cards... MECH FORCE!!!!!!!


Not all the cards have picture because the art is something that will be created with some time and of course there will be more cards... but for now I'm happy ^^





Shadow-Mech The Lost One


Increase The ATK and DEF of this card by 500 for every "Psy-Mech The Mind Engineer" and "War-Mech The Master Warrior" on the field. This card is not affected by Spell & Trap cards and cannot be attacked if there is another Machine-Type monster on your side of the field. This card increases the ATK of Machine-Type monsters on your side of the field by 500 points. Once per turn you can select one Machine-Type monster on your side of the field and add the ATK of all the Machine-Type monsters that you control to it until the end phase (Only that monster can ATK this turn). When this card is destroyed you can Special Summon a Machine-Type monster from your hand, Deck or Graveyard ignoring the Summon conditions..





Mech Core Soldier





Mech Dynamo Shredder





Mech Hydraulic Squire





Mech Steam Launcher





Mech Nuclear Stalker





Mech Magnetic Collector





Mech Nanobot Swarm





Mech Junkyard





Mech Spoiler










Ok thats all for now, of course like I said there will be more, but for now that's what I have... as I said before I just like machines and they need nice power and effects I know that some are overpowered xD but thats the point... The art by the way is not completed at all... so these are just prototypes.

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Tnx for the corrections ^^ I'll fix the errors.


Maybe I didn't explained myself... Not all the cards have image yet because my friends and I are working on them... Designing of course, because as you see in the Steam Launcher Art is not a modern machine, but some old kind and the Nuclear Stalker is a little Stalker robot as the name says xD of course that this will take some more time but we want to make a good and original deck ^^


TNX!!!!! =D

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