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millennium items


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These cards are good but unless you add another effect to the Millennium Items, it can be pretty confusing using those cards. It is possible to win since when a spell card is resolved, it goes to the graveyard if it isn't continuous. But this is why so many people say that you can't win like this because since you didn't add more to the effects, they think the cards are continuous when they're actually not.


In short, add an effect that does something so that it can be properly resolved without any confusion. If you want, I can help you come up with the effects for the cards.


I give you 8/10.

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These cards are good but unless you add another effect to the Millennium Items, it can be pretty confusing using those cards. It is possible to win since when a spell card is resolved, it goes to the graveyard if it isn't continuous. But this is why so many people say that you can't win like this because since you didn't add more to the effects, they think the cards are continuous when they're actually not.


In short, add an effect that does something so that it can be properly resolved without any confusion. If you want, I can help you come up with the effects for the cards.


I give you 8/10.

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  • 4 weeks later...

wrong. if they are continuous' date=' then they would have the continuous symbol



I know that but I'm saying that too many people are overlooking that fact because they are being confused by the effect of the cards. I knew they weren't continuous because it didn't have the symbol, although it took me a while to figure this whole thing out myself. I'm just trying to explain it to people so they don't flame you for this.

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I understand that whole concept of the cards hey... You don't need to put them all down at once you just need to have activated them when Millenium prophecy is on your side of the field. Correct? (nice cards' date=' by the way)



yes, that is correct. and thanks

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

These are well done cards, and an interesting strategy to use. It may be a bit difficult though, since it requires all seven Millenium Item Cards on the field, and you only have five magic/trap card spaces to work with. If there were a way to bypass this (such as simply keeping the cards in your hand to declare victory, like Exodia) then it would be much improved. Other than that little drawback, very good job!

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umm i may be able to help with the pics. it depends on your dimensions. use a pic editing program and set the dimensions of a new pic to 244 x 248 and paste the pic in you want. crop, resize, and whatnot and upload. that should help with the pixels. if the pics are already under the size 244x248 then pixels are unavoidable im sorry :(

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