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Charon: The Battle Of Eternal Darkness (Sign Up Sheet)


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Story: 10,000 years ago, in the Ancient city of Charon, there was a being named Haikenzu. Haikenzu ruled over the land of Charon and was considered the most powerful force to ever live. Everyone looked up to him and his power, but he had a dark side...and slowly it corrupted his soul until one day, it took him over completely. On that day, he went berserk and started to destroy the city of Charon. He was unstoppable. Then out of the cries and wails of the people of Charon rose a hero...Ikakku. Ikakku and Haikenzu fought for 2 weeks. It was a climatic battle...until finally, Ikakku sealed Haikenzu's soul into the Pillar of Lost Souls. His body was left frozen, deep within the Ciraz Temple. Ikakku spread his power to 7 lost stones known as the Stones of Yuiamoni. Charon lived in peace for 10,000 years, until . There has been pulses coming out of the Ciraz Temple for 34 years...now it has been confirmed that Haikenzu has been released and is gathering an army of shadow beings to destroy Charon once and for all. Now 7 new heroes have been born, each holding a Stone of Yuiamoni. Its up to them to stop Haikenzu and his army of Shadow Fiends before it is too late...



. No God mobbing

. No Spam

. You can only have 2 characters.

. Have a good time

. No 1 sentence posts...the minimum is 2! Maximum is...10.



The Chosen Ones Application (Only 7 and these are the good guys.)



Age: (Under 24)


Elements: (Fire, Ice, Water, Time, Air, Earth, Space, Metal, Life, Sand, Lightning, and Darkness)(.Maximum of 5.)





Ciraz Fiends Application (Only 7 and obviously these are the bad guys.)





Elements: (Chaos and 4 of your choosing.)







Haikensu Application ( I will be Haikenzu.)


Name: Haikenzu

Age: 10,049

Gender: M

Elements: All

Weapon: Necro Blade

Appearance: blackcloak.jpg

Skill: Destruction of the Mind

Bio: (In the Story)




Any questions just PM me.

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Name: Devon "Immortal"



Elements:Life, Air, Time, & Darkness

Weapon: Shadow Slicer

Appearance:Post it later

Skill: Bend time & reality

Bio: Devon is a mysterious man that mysteriously hides in the shadows when people are around sometimes. Devon once lifted a kid in the air when he was 12 because he ticked him off. But that was when he learned about it.

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Name: Raiku Kinamora

Age: 21

Gender: M

Elements: Time, Space, Darkness, Lightning, Fire.

Weapon: N/A


Bio: Raiku is the greatx9 grandson of Ikakku. People say that he looks just like his ancestor. Raiku found out about his ancestry and power when he was only 13 years old. He trained his powers evrey day until he perfected them, he left his parents to set out on a journey to find the other stone of yuiamoni holders and stop Haikenzu...

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Good guys doesn't have Skills?


Name: Chronos

Age: Ancient

Gender: Male

Elements: Chaos, Time, Space, Darkness and Life

Weapon: He got three knuckle knifes on each hand, these are called "The Dual Trinities"

Appearance: He got bleak skin, long white hair and vampire teeths (but he's not a vampire). He wear black clothes and are hooded when out of battle. He got completely white eyes.

Skills: Can Time-warp, turn invisible and absorb light to create complete darkness.

Bio: He's a god in humna form. His god form is a gigantic, matellic dragon, he was doomed to live in this form untill he have found all the 7 Stones of Yuiamony.


I may not be active all the time, so my character will be more like a character that does appeare uncommonly, but I will try to be more active in this RP.

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Age: 20

Gender: M

Elements: Fire,Time,Earth,Space,Metal



Bio: Cloud don't do much, He is a very quiet person, and keeps things to himself.Cloud dosent have any parents because one day when you were about 5 you woke up from a nightmare, only to find out that you were in the middle of the woods freezing cold in the dark all alone no one around.And because of that your powers were made.

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Ciraz Fiends Application

Name: Arcron Shiar

Age: 24

Gender: male

Elements: Chaos, Darkness, and Time

Weapon: k00bbt.jpg

Skill: (um only 1 skill?) Chaos Bulb

Bio: was chosen as a fiend at an early age, and trained up to the day he would have his first battle. Lives in the dark, only to be seen by bats and owls. At the morining only hunts for trainin. Now is his time to show what the fiends are made of, and he will gladly killl all in his way


True Fiend Form: fxqnmw.jpg

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Name: Zeo Shinoda

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Elements: Air, Life, Fire

Weapon: http://stores.wholesalecentral.com/Images/N_4MIAD0XS9B5AJTG_0RVUNTZTX527/820111235956%2Ejpg

Appearance: http://th07.deviantart.com/fs13/300W/f/2007/114/e/9/___Ishida___White_Knight____by_orin.jpg

Bio: He is a local fieldworker's son, and discoveredhis powers at the age of 17. Not much is known about him, except he lived just like an ordinary teenager until he found his talents out. His sword is his fathers' one, granted to him when he left the family's farm.

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Name:Kisuke Arai

Age: (Under 24) 15

Gender: M

Elements: (Fire, Ice, Water, Time, Air, Earth, Space, Metal, Life, Sand, Lightning, and Darkness)(.Maximum of 5.) Lighting

Weapon: Katana


Bio: Not much is known about Kisuke... However what is known is that one day, he will be manipulated by Haikenzu and join him. It's his destiny...and though he knows the day will come, he does his very best to protect his identity and is trying to save him from himself. Everybody who knows him...trys to stay away from him when ever he gets mad....

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