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Real Life RP


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I'm making a RP that isn't anything fiction, but real life. You create your character, & then we do real life stuff(Hang out at malls, trampoline wrestle, e.t.c.)

Here's the form!(Example)

Name(Middle name too, or if you don't want to reveal, just put something like J.):Johnny Johnathan Williamson

Age(15-18): 16

Occupation at mall: Food Court

Girlfriend: Yes

Car(If over 16): '08 Chevy Corolla

Sport(Yes, this counts Cheerleading & Karate): Karate

Bio: Johnny is a guy who leads a average life, with one exception. He is a black belt in karate. He is grand champion is 15-17 Contemporary weapons. Johnny has been in karate in 12 years. He has over 500 trophies & medals


I got this from a show appearing in USA next week, 6teen

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Name(Middle name too, or if you don't want to reveal, just put something like J.): William C. Graystone(Goes by Seth)

Age(15-18): 15

Occupation at mall: None

Girlfriend: No

Car(If over 16): None

Sport: Soccer

Bio: The soccer team's goalie, he has some of the highest grades in his class, and has won different trophies for different things.

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Name: England I. Boulevard

Age(15-18): 15

Occupation at mall: Spin This (It's a Cd store, you'll see it in 6teen)

Boyfriend: Nope, still on the market.

Car(If over 16): -

Sport(Yes, this counts Cheerleading & Karate): Too lazy for sports

Bio: England is... unique. She doesn't have much style, and doesn't care for "shopping". She's the hardcore type who will get PISSED if you mess with her. She doesn't specialize in anything, and most likely never will. She hates gay people, country music, and girls who wear pink. She likes lounging around, text messaging, and hanging out with friends.

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OOC:Okay. I'll start

Johnny just did his finisher, The Immortal Bomb(Canadian Destroyer)

Johnny: This is it! The title is in my hands!

Ref:1, 2, 3!*Bell Rings*

Johnny gets his title

Accouncer: Here's your winner, & the NEW SDW(South Dakota, it's where we live) Champion, Devon Immortal!

Johnny:Oh...My...God! This is awesome!

Johnny leaves the trampoline, title in hand

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Name(Middle name too, or if you don't want to reveal, just put something like J.):\Cloud M. Hazel

Age(15-18): 16

Occupation at mall: Shoe store

Girlfriend:Not yet

Car(If over 16):[spoiler=Car]2003_lamborghini_murcielago_rgt_1024x768_01.jpg


Sport(Yes, this counts Cheerleading & Karate): Swimming,soccer,Jump rope,B-Ball,Track

Bio:Cloud don't do much, He is a very quiet person,when he needs to talk he does.He plays many sports and is a Straight A student.He is not very competitive,But he always wins

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Name: Leon A. Strife

Age(15-18): 17

Occupation at mall: Game Stop Clerk

Girlfriend: No but looking

Car(If over 16): Ferrari 599 GTO Mugello

Sport(Yes, this counts Cheerleading & Karate): Swimming

Bio: Leon is just one of your average skater/ surfer dudes that enjoys time on the beach and hanging out with his friends. He's very athletic and is not a bad fighter at all. He won 1st place 7 years in a row at the annual Ocean Creek Swim Meet. Hes very relaxed and laid back too.

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Name:liam grace robinson


Occupation at mall:janitor


Car:not old enough


Bio:at age 14 he left his home and his school in england to go to south dakota to live life to the fullest now he has a job cleaning up at the mall a apartment right next too the mall and most importantly is single as he left his girlfriend at the restaraunt to go to america.his hobbies include watching re-runs of his favourute show invader zim playing 4 differant sports at once and kicking butt on trampoline wrestling

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Name(Middle name too, or if you don't want to reveal, just put something like J.): Cali Tiffany Rossion

Age(15-18): 16

Occupation at mall: clothing store

Boyfriend: No

Car(If over 16): [spoiler=here is the car] carzj1.jpg


Sport(Yes, this counts Cheerleading & Karate): Track+ Basketball

Bio: Cali is outgoing and fun to be around. She talks alot more than she has too. She is an average stundent and she loves to learn about computer. She has won many goldmedals in track. She runs the 400 and the 200. Cali is quite tall. She is really good at basketball when she gets to college she is schelduled to play for a pro women basketball team.

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Johnny gets done

Johnny: Time for a live show

Just then a wrestling guy scehduled came

Guy: This is the wrestling tourtement! 64 go, 1 comes out & gets a contract

Johnny: I take your challenge

Guy: First, tell me your wrestling name, & any experience! There can be divas too as managers!

Johnny: Devon Immortal, I trampoline wrestle

Guy: Is that all? Do you have a manager?

Johnny: Her name is England

Johnny points to England

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