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Plant-Type/Thunder-Type Monsters Contest (finished)


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lol, seriously though. i don't see any contest about theses types (i think), anyways. create 1 of 2 of these monsters, you can create both if you want to.


Rules- you can choose which type of monster you want to create, but if you make 2 of them, i'll give you an extra 1 Rep. please keep them Balanced and spell check if you can.


Plant-Must be Ritual-Type monster with Ritual Spell card to summon it.


Thunder-Must be a Fusion-Type monster with Fusion Materials.



1-3 Rep

2-2 Rep

3-10 Points


(I've decided to change the Prixe due to a reason of third place winnner)


PM me when you want to post your creations, and i mean you must PM me before you Post your creation here.


*Ends 30th, This Thursday*


Got questions?...ask away...wait!...come back!

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Here is mine plant card:


This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card,"Offer to a Giant Rose".You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars are equal 4 or more as a tribute from the field or your hand.This card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly.If it does,tribute this card to Special Summon one Plant-Type monster from your deck to your side of the field.



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i've been looking for cards, but all i could find were Thunder monsters. i can see i have 1 hour to post my cards. this will take me half-an-hour. so please don't say your too late. (I'll post my cards on this post so that i won't spam the thread)


Edit: these are my thunder cards for this contest



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