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Help needed to fix my deck.

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ok ive finally got my hand on super-Ancient Dinobeast for my dino deck.

for some reasons my deck got weaker an I still have not win a match, here is my deck list:




Super Conductor Tyranno


2X Ultimate Tyranno


3X Super-Ancint Dinobeast


LV4 :


3X Sabersaurus


2X Kabazauls


Hyper Hammerhead


Black Veloci (fav)


2X Mirage Dragon


Lv3 :


3X Gilasaurus


Morphing jar




Trap cards:


2X Fossil Excavation


2X Royal Decree


Spell Cards:


Monster Gate


2X card of safe return


3X Trade-In


2X Symbols of Duty


Monster reborn


Enemy controller




2X Lightning vortex


Mystical Space Typhoon


Dark World Lightning


Book of Moon


Heavy storm


that would make it 41 cards.

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thisis why you havent won:


Super Conductor Tyranno


2X Ultimate Tyranno


3X Super-Ancint Dinobeast


LV4 :


3X Sabersaurus


2X Kabazauls


Hyper Hammerhead


Black Veloci (fav)


2X Mirage Dragon


Lv3 :


3X Gilasaurus


Morphing jar




Trap cards:


2X Fossil Excavation


2X Royal Decree


Spell Cards:


Monster Gate


2X card of safe return


3X Trade-In


2X Symbols of Duty


Monster reborn


Enemy controller




2X Lightning vortex


Mystical Space Typhoon


Dark World Lightning


Book of Moon


Heavy storm


and dont friggin skip lines when you post your deck...

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