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total = 41


2 red eyes zombie dragon

2 maleovent mech

1 ilblud


3 zombie master

3 mezuki

3 pyram turtle

1 card trooper

1 morphing jar

3 plage spreadder

1 sangan



3 allure

2 cosr

1 heavy storm

3 book of life

1 monster reborn

2 zombie world

3 hand destruction

2 bftdd

1 brain control



1 trap dustchoot

1 mirror force

1 torrential tribute



x amount of synchro stuffs



3 solems

3 kokki

2 dd crow

3 paladin of the cursed dragon

3 roars

1 zombie world


no side deck yet


note the teched hand destruction ;)

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-3 Ryu Kokki

+2 Malevolent Mech Goku En

+1 Il Blud


Goku En can be Normal Summoned if need to, and his negative effect only activates if he is destroyed by his own effect after having been Normal Summoned without tribute and you having no zombies other than him on the field.


Il Blud can grab either your or your opponent's monster with Zombie World on the field. Also, recycling Sangan or Card Trooper is win.



-1 Red Eyes Zombie Dragon or Goku En

+1 Vampire Lord or Patrician of Darkness


V-Lord or Patrician + Plaguespreader = Black Rose Dragon.


This is a swarm deck that runs swarmy cards like Zombie Master.


This deck also uses 3 Mezuki and 3 Book of Life.


Field Nukes are good, especially when followed by 5 monsters attacking for game.


You work it out.

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-2 red eyes zombie


+2 goblin zombie


This deck is screaming for them.


-3 hand destruction (this will usually help your opponent)

-2 zombie world (your only playing zombie monsters side them vs monarchs)


+1 ccv

+1 mind crush (gorz when you go for game + it's usually easy to call what your opponent has)

+2 pwwb (a better way to discard stuff like mezuki)

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personally im not fond of ssa advice...


as hand destruction lets me get cosr faster witch is of couse the whole point to a zombie deck...


also this will be irl and i have NO chance of getting them >.< or ccv


i could get pwwb and mind crush but then... its not worth it without the rest

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