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need help with a deck & need some suggestions

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so i've been working on a LIGHT deck and this is what i've got so far




Arcana Force XVII - The Moon


Arcana Force VI - The Lovers


Arcana Force IV - The Emperor


Arcana Force I - The Magician


Arcana Force 0 - The Fool


Arcana Force XXI - The World


Arcana Force VII - The Chariot


Arcana Force III - The Empress


Interplanetary Invader "A" x2


Herald of Orange Light


Mind Protector x3


Magical Android


The Creator




The Creator Incarnate


Radiant Spirit


Andro Sphinx


Y-Dragon Head


Cu Chulainn the Awakened


E. Hero Neos


Spells & Traps


Ojama Trio


Sanguine Swamp


Judgment of Thunder x2


Limit Reverse




Blasting Fuse


Synchro Deflector


Light Spiral


Lightsworn Barrier x3


Reversal of Fate


Lightsworn Sabre


Solar Recharge


Lightwave Tuning


Realm of Light


Emblem of the Awakening



Don't say anything about me not having lightsworn i'm planning on getting Gragonith, Wulf, Garoth, Aurkus and maybe even judgment. Other cards im probably gonna get are guardian of order and maybe hamon also i'd like to know if i should have more or less of the arcana force and if i should put in my Cyber Dragons ( have Cyber End, Twin, Dragon & 2 Protos w/ a power bond and de-fusion)

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Use 1 theme (preferrably a dedicated one). Not a whole lot of themes in 1.


Lightsworn has a few viable builds:

-Dedicated Lightsworn (using Judgment Dragon and the good Lightsworns and Lightsworn support as well as Honest as well as Beckoning Light and Monster Reincarnation to recover milled or fallen Judgment Dragons)

-Lightsworn Monarchs

-Plaguesworn (can be built IRL once Crossroads of Chaos has been released)


Arcana Force (builds I know of):

-Arcana Force EX - Dark Ruler OTK (Dark Ruler is basically a 1 card OTK)

-Arcana Force XXI - World Lockdown


Counter Fairies:

-All Counter Fairy builds are virtually the same


Those are some that are available.

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