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$100 says this guy gets emergency-banned right after the SJC of it's debut. I bet they're just doing this to milk the cash cow' date=' and, since it's only a promo, ban it right away.


That sounds bad but it's better then keeping him unbanned so the people who bought him won't feel bad.


I wish we'd got Tragodia instead.

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Gorz is going to stop the Meta decks from being so damaging. If your opponent clears your field, they still have to worry about you Summoning a Gorz when they attack directly.

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Tele-DAD itself still benefits from being able to use Gorz. It's a small counter to field wipes, but it's not enough.


Not to mention that this is very similar to the proposals to unban Imperial Order last format to slow down the Spells. Escalating the problem by countering one piece of brokenness with another may make things slightly - very slightly, and this is a best-case scenario - better in the short-term, but it is hardly a valid solution.


Also, the OCG has had Gorz for ages. Go take a look at OCGville and tell me how they're doing.

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Guest PikaPerson01

I'm pretty sure OCG doesn't main Gorz as much.


It'd be nice to finally see it have an "official" TCG name or w/e.


Also, I won't hold my breath until I see a Shriek TCG news thing about it..


Final Note: Lol @ Pika for living in NYC. No Walmarts here. <_<

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