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Teleport Six Samurai


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3 Grandmasters

2 Great Shogun

2 Enishi

1 Hand

2 Yaichi

2 Spirit Of Six Sam

2 Zanji

1 Irou

2 Krebons

2 Psychic Commander




3 Teleports

2 Rota

2 Six Sam United


1 Monster Reborn

1 Brain Contorl

1 Heavy Storm

2 Book Of Moon

1 Enemy Controller




3 Karma Cut

2 Bottemless

2 Torrential

1 Dustshoot


Extra Deck:


2 Goyos

2 Stardust


1 Thought Ruler

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To run Emergency Teleport at 3, You need 5 targets. You have 4. Drop a Teleport and replace it or add in a 5th Target.


Extra Deck Needs more Colossal Fighter, Magical Android, and Stardust.


I'm not seeing why Enemy Controller is in here.


-1 Enemy Controller

+1 Six Samurai United


I don't like Karma Cut in here.


-3 Karma Cut

+3 Solemn Judgment/Dark Bribe


Dustshoot is an odd choice. I would say to replace it with a 3rd ROTA, but I won't for now.


This deck definitely needs another Hand, just can't figure out what to get for of for it.


Saiyan Knight can most likely do a much better job at helping, as I am not an expert in Six Samurai.

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Since when could Torrential Tribute be run at 2? I thought it was still Limited.


-1 Torrential Tribute

+1 Bottomless Trap Hole (to make the Deck legal)


-3 Karma Cut

+3 Solemn Judgment / Dark Bribe / Threatening Roar / Phoenix Wing Wind Blast / Compulsory Evacuation Device


-1 Enemy Controller (works better at 3 IMO)

+1 Hand of the Six Samurai / Irou / Krebons

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