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First attemt at Gigaplant deck!


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Gigaplant x3

tytannical princess x2 site: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Tytannial%2C_Princess_of_Camellias


lonefire x3

blazewing x3

UFOturtle x2

copy plant x3 site: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Copy_Plant

lord poison x2

nettles x2 site: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Nettles



monster reborn

miracle fertillizer x2 site: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Miracle_Fertilizer

double summon

card of safe return x2

unleash your power x2

swing of memories x2

future fusion

brain control

enemy controller x2



birth right x3

pollinosis x3 site: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pollinosis

(trying to get solemns)

extra deck:3



BRD, site: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Black_Rose_Dragon


I am focusing on just swiftly swarming the field and from there take on every thing that comes and just get through. and if trouble comes I can just get a tuner and summon stardust, goyo, etc.

give me suggestions please. its in its first stages of development.


also would like ideas for a side deck.

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This is all wrong. You don't even have a target for future fusion. +2 Raptinus in the extra deck.


Take out the double summon, it's not good at all. Raptinus can do the gemini stuff fine, and if you're really desperate use Ultimate Offering instead. -Double Summon.


Don't ever max out Birthright before maxing out swing. It's just a dumb idea. -1 Birthright, +1 Swing.


I'm puking at the Unleash your powers in this deck. Raptinus has all of the positives and none of the drawbacks. -2 UtP for something more useful, maybe lightning vortexes.


The amount of recursion in this deck makes your head spin. You don't need Lord Poisons. Drop them for Botanical Lions.


Switch the Nettle to Copy plant ratio. In fact, with all this recursion I don't think so many tuners are a great idea. Neg a copyplant for a third lion.


You should fit at least one copy of Dragons mirror in here somewhere.


The extra deck needs so much work. Add extra copies of the stuff you have, TRAs, RDAs, hell maybe you can even find some space for Queen of Thorns, which is nice tech in this deck.


Enemy Controllers seem kind of unnecessary in this deck. I'd probably neg them for two Mark of the Roses.

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-1 Double Summon (Raptinus exists)

+1 Swing of Memories


-2 Unleash Your Power (never use in any Gemini-based Deck)

+2 Dragon's Mirror


-1 Birthright (not a good idea at 3 without Swing maxed)

+1 Torrential Tribute / Giant Trunade


-2 Lord Poison

+2 Lonefire Blossom (does the job better than Lord Poison and searchable with UFO Turtle


And add Raptinus to the Extra Deck and fill in the rest with Synchros.

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