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WTF!? Zom-bel (Comments and Fixes only)

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Rates and Fixes only, No things like "This Deck Sucks" or any insults


Monsters: 23


5+: 12

1: Yubel the Ultimate Nightmare

2: Yubel Terror Incarnate

3: Yubel

2: Montage Dragon

2: Red Eyes Zombie Dragon

2: Doom Shaman


4 or Lower: 11

3: Mystic Tomato

3: Pyramid turtle

3: Zombie Master

2: Calculator


Spells: 19

2: Book of Life

2: MSE

2: CoSR

2: Pot of Avarice

2: Swing of Memories

2: Zombie World

1: Dark World Dealings

1: Monster Reborn

1: Brain Control

1: SoRL

1: Heavy Storm

1: Giant Trunade

1: MST


Traps: 3

1: Torrential Tribute

2: Limit Reverse

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Deck: 41


Monsters: 19


3 Yubel

2 Yubel Terror Incarnate

1 Yubel the Ultimate Nightmare

1 Il Blud


3 Mystic Tomato

3 Goblin Zombie

3 Zombie Master

3 Mezuki


Spells: 17


3 Allure of Darkness

3 Book of Life

2 CoSR

2 Zombie World

2 Foolish Burial

1 Burial from a Different Dimension

1 Monster Reborn

1 Brain Control

1 Heavy Storm


Traps: 5


3 Solemn Judgment

1 Crush Card Virus

1 Torrential Tribute


This is how I would run it.

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