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The Forbidden Ritual (Ritual Trap)

Neutrality Man

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This is my first attempt to exploit the Ritual Traps thing in the Card Maker.



I'd give a proper image credit, but I don't know who drew the art for Black Magic Ritual. So Black Magic Ritual © 1996 Kazuki Takahashi. Image found at http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Black_Magic_Ritual then inverted by me.



69911uo5.jpgEdited from random ritual cards on the wikia, and http://www.seedmagazine.com/news/uploads/BlackHole.jpg

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Wierd name. Solid OCG. Though I don't like the pic.


There are no real Ritual Traps so I was free to make an entire set of defining characteristics. The reversed name was just for the sake of random.


Thank you, I try.


I'm not a very good artist, so I just chose the most awesome looking Ritual card I could think of and inverted the colors for no real purpose other than to symbolize the "evil" connotation that comes with the word "forbidden". If anyone can provide a more fitting picture, I'll be more than happy to insert it and credit you and the source (if applicable).

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