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3x superAncient Deepsea King Coelacanth

1x cyber dragon

1x 7 colored fish

3x space mambo

3x golden flying fish

3x oyster meister

1x PMD

2x abyssal kingshark

2x unshaven angler

1x GB Murmillo

2x GB Torax

1x mobius

1x thesty

1x raiza




3x big wave small wave

3x legendary ocean

1x heavy storm

1x giant trunade

1x brain control

1x soul exchange

2x pot of avarice

1x monster reborn



1x TT

3x fish depth charge



1x punished eagle

1x thought ruler archfiend

1x gaia knight the force of earth

1x colossal fighter

1x junk warrior

3x gyzarus

1x red dragon archfiend


this is just a fun deck but i would like to make it better and if your just going to say scrap it than don't bother posting.

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Uh.. I think You got some of it right.


See if this works out better -



3 Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth

2 Ice Master

1 Cyber Dragon

3 Golden Flying Fish

3 Abyssal Kingshark

2 Cold Enchanter

3 Oyster Meister

2 Unshaven Angler

1 Morphing Jar



2 A Legendary Ocean

1 Monster Reborn

2 Lightening Vortex

1 Heavy Storm

2 Book of Moon

1 Brain Control

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

3 Hand Destruction



3 Fish Depth Charge

2 Spiritual Water Art - Aoi

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

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well i think i'll add morphing jar if i can find mine but the deck definantly needs the 2 POA and more fish monsters than your suggesting i don't know about you but i think lv in here is kinda useless becuase when coalacanth comes out people will natural put their monsters facedown and big wave is also a must i think because it allows me to get coalacanth out easier and on the first turn

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read coalocanth carefully' date=' notice that it says that it negates the effects of the fish it brings out, and work around that as much as you can.

more or less, get the flying fish out with it's help or they are just beat-sticks/ protection fodder.



i know this already thats y i run oyster meister and i don't have golden flying fish

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looks pretty good.Oyster Meister is a great choice,because its effect activates in the grave,so you can protect the Big C once with him,and again with the token.that and Flying Fish,in case you summon it without Coelacanth's help.in fact,never summon it via Big C.just normal summon it and launch your fish minions for an underwater sneak attack.DaD never saw it coming.

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Monsters 17

3|7 Colored Fish

3|Space Mambo

3|Great White

3|Thunderking Raioh

3|Oyster Meister

2|Golden Flying Fish


Spells 8


2|Lightning Vortex

1|Heavy Storm

1|Mystical Space Typhoon

1|Smashing Ground


Traps 16

3|Fish Depth Charge

3|Royal Oppression

3|Skill Drain

2|Compulsory Evacuation Device

2|Dimensional Prison

1|Mirror Force

1|Torrential Tribute

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CED is a definite no becuase PWWB is way better plus in your version i don't even see POA which is neccesary becuase you will lose monsters quickly plus you can put Oyster Meister

back into the deck than bring them out again with coalacanth and i also notice in your version coalacanth is a pain to get out compared to mine where i can get him out first turn


royal and skill drain hurt my deck abyssal king shark would be a better choice than space mambo

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skill drain hurst golden flying fish and i think coalacanth as well and royal hurst coalacanth becuase he won't be able to special summon the fish guys and how do u plan to bring coalacanth out



why pot of avarice and space mambo?


pot of avarice allows me to put my Oyster Meister's back into my deck than draw 2 cards than i can bring them out again with coalacanth and space mabo well he has decent attack but he's mostly used to be brought out with coalacanth for protection trust me if their where fish tuners mambo would get replaced with those

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