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YCMaker's Deck {Not really, but maybe this'll get me comments.}


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This is meant to be a more fun approach to GBs. Please don't suggest that I run a Normal GB Deck because this is just meant to be fun.




3|Gladiator Beast Retiari

3|Gladiator Beast Darius

3|Test Tiger

2|Elemental Hero Prisma

2|Gladiator Beast Murmillo

2|Gladiator Beast Bestiari

2|Gladiator Beast Laquari

1|Elemental Hero Stratos


1|Snipe Hunter




3|Gladiator Proving Ground

2|Cold Wave

1|Monster Reborn

1|Heavy Storm

1|Mystical Space Typhoon

1|Nobleman of Crossout




3|Solemn Judgment

3|Spiritual Water Art - Aoi

3|Drastic Drop Off

1|Mirror Force

1|Torrential Tribute


15|Extra Deck


3|Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

3|Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

3|Stardust Dragon

3|Goyo Guardian

2|Thought Ruler Archfiend

1|Red Dragon's Archfiend


15|Side Deck




3|Neo-Spacian Dark Panther

3|D.D. Crow




3|Mind Control




3|Drop Off

3|Double Tag Team

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From the Side Deck:


-3 Drop-Off

+3 Drastic Drop-Off


For obvious reasons. <.<


You do realize that Drastic Drop Off is in the Main Deck' date=' right?



I'm reading-impaired. >_> Um... +3 Time Seal? I hear all the pros run it.


Yeah, I'll get right on that.


What about adding 3 Thunder of Ruler?

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From the Side Deck:


-3 Drop-Off

+3 Drastic Drop-Off


For obvious reasons. <.<


You do realize that Drastic Drop Off is in the Main Deck' date=' right?



I'm reading-impaired. >_> Um... +3 Time Seal? I hear all the pros run it.


Yeah, I'll get right on that.


What about adding 3 Thunder of Ruler?


Thunder of Ruler is pro and is vastly superior to cards like Threatening Roar.

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