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Tele Monarch Magic


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Total: 41


Monsters: ( 22 )


1x Raiza the Storm Monarch

3x Caius the Shadow Monarch

1x Mobius the Frost Monarch

1x Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

1x Prime Material Dragon

1x Cyber Dragon

3x Arcana Force 0- The Fool

3x Krebons

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Psychic Commander

1x Morphing Jar

1x Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy

1x Sangan

2x D.D. Crow

1x Treeborn Frog


Spell: ( 11 )

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Brain Control

3x Emergency Teleport

1x Soul Exchange

1x Monster Reborn

2x Book of Moon


Traps: ( 8 )


3x Solemn Judgment

3x Reckless Greed

1x Trap Dustshoot

1x Torrential Tribute


Extra Deck: (11)

1x Colossal Fighter

2x Red Dragon Archfiend

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Thought Ruler Archfiend

1x Goyo Guardian

1x Sanwitch


This Deck Was Not Made By Me


This deck was made by Raiza the Storm Monarch at Yugioh TCG Jesus.


Rates and Fixes are Highly Apprecaited.



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Well I don't know your budget but...


-1 Mobius (to be sided)

-3 The fool

-1 Morphing jar

-1 Infernal prodigy


+1 Psychic commander

+2 Dekoichi or Mask of darkness

+1 Breaker


-1 SoRL

-2 Book of Moon (side deck maybe)

+2 Instant Fusion (tribute support or a lv5 for psychic commander)

+3 Allure of Darkness


Finally, depending on which choice you made earlier, if you play dekoichis over masks, -3 reckless greed and +2 Bottomless Trap Hole (making up for book of moon) and +1 Soul exchange.


(You can tell I had nothing else to do by the detail I went into ^^)

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