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[align=center]LYCANTHROPY RPG


I am COMPLETELY new to this..... so yes all you people who have seen nothing like this will be a little suprise at this "noob"! This take place within a world call EARTH! This rpg is showing how werewolve among us such as myself.....strive to live in this world. Against nature...no problem...but agianst the hurtful people of earth everywere and the vampiric race....this is where we survive.....this tells the tale of our own people coming to age...


[spoiler=Aplication form]



nationality:(this will determine what your traits could be)


apearance in human form:




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Seems like fun' date=' I'm in!:lol:


age:13 (pretty young for a werewolf, eh?)


occupation:none (droped out of school after I was bitten)

apearance in human form:blue trainers, black jeans, read t shirt under a grey hoodie, spikey black hair



Btw what can werewolves in this game do?



the answer can be anywhere from extreme speed to strength beyond the comprehension of all human knowledge of lycon!

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