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Check out My Total Drama Island card!


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No. I USED to love Izzy, before this.


Name: Meh.

Type: GAH! Fake Type! Try not to use those unless you are creating a brand new, histroy making set, 'k? In this case: Warrior.

Effect and OCG: Bad OCG, and although the effect matches the character, it can't really happen.

ATK/DEF: Wayyyyy Overpowered. Make the level a four, and the ATK/DEF in the thousands. Not two-thousands, thousands.



Overall: 2/10 Sorry bud; try harder and you'll get better, so don't give up.

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Yeah, what he said. But, here's how to make that specific card better (should you want some advice):

  • If you want to make it (and other cards like it) target-able by other card effects, change the name to something like "Screaming Gopher Camper Izzy"; then, you may target it by proclaiming an effect for a "Screaming Gopher" monster, a "Camper" monster, or something like that. This process is called ARCHETYPING. The "Elemental Heroes" Jaden Yuki used in the animé are the most well-known example of ARCHETYPING.
  • Take 4-6 level stars off of it and weaken it by 1000 ATK and DEF.


Well, that's all I have to say about thayat. [/gump]

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