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Remade. LOCK!


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  'Raelen said:

This hotel is getting dangerous' date=' with all the guns, bombs, hobos and ferocious rats. Luckily I've got my own floor! =P


Can I buy both of the rooms next to me, since no one's living in either one? I want to expand my room. That means I want #'s 769 & 771.

My room's kind of cramped.

[/quote']That would be 20 points. 1 room is always free to people.





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  'MasterKCatmaster said:

991-994 please

how does the numbering work? does it alternate across the hallz' date=' cuz I need to decide what do do with my new rooms.



I'm going to start slowly buying up as many rooms as I can.

[/quote']OK, thanks. They will now be added.



I'll pay you 20 points for rooms 712 & 487

Then pay me 20 points and for the reason:


Buying Rooms 712 & 487

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  'MasterKCatmaster said:

curses. [dark] is shattering on my monopoy. ok

I will buy






40 more points coming up

nooooooooo' date=' I am hopelessly out funded

and sam is making a fortune

can I have a 5 for the price of 4 deal?

[/quote']Nope, 10 points a room. I like making a fortune :)

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