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[REQ]Lena Drake Banner


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Well I need a new banner for my sig and I'm a great fan of Lena Drake. Could someone please make a sig of her?:D I'm sorry if the image is not so convenient, I couldn't find anything better.:(


Text On Graphic: Keep the writing, but you can put it on a better place if you want.

Sub-Text On Graphic: Lena Drake

Images For Graphic: http://www.mandragorascream.com/Download/LENA%20-%20BK%20%201024%20X%20768%20.jpg

Size Of Graphic:500x300

Type Of Graphic: Signature banner

Requested Artist: no preference

Other Comments: If for some reasons it doesn't work out, you can use an image of Terry, I love him too.:D



The images are taken from the official site of the band.

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