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Fire Emblem Cards (Not as bad as you may think!)

Lil Jevans

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I've seen a lot of Fire Emblem cards here and they all seem to look the same since they don't have backgrounds.

This has really annoyed me so I decided to search everywhere I could to find cards WITH backgrounds. I still need to find other cards.

The effects are pretty simple.

Let me know what you think.

I know Lyn's card has writing on it and Ephraim's is a bit squashed. Sorry!




This card can only be equipped to a 'Lost Prince-Ephraim' or a 'Loving Princess-Erika' on your side of the field. The equipped monster gains 300 ATK and DEF points for each 'Lost Prince-Ephraim' and 'Loving Princess-Erika' on your side of the field.




When your opponent selects a Warrior-type monster on your side of the field, you can change it's attack target to this card.




This card gains 200 ATK for each 'Loving Princess-Erika' on your side of the field.




This card gains 400 ATK when it attacks a Beast-type monster on your opponent's side of the field.




If your opponent selects a 'Nomad Princess-Lyndis' or a 'Loyal Prince-Eliwood' as an attack target, you can change their attack target to this card.

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@ Spire

What OCG problems are there?

@ cyberplasma

How are they bad to you?

If you mean starwebs sig, I think Sucka369 made that card for him and he put his name on it so others knew he made it and that's why his name is in the card.

I've got a card made for me from XEVILCl0wnX. A lot of people have had other members make cards for them.

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