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Something with E-Tele, Malicous, and other stuff


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17 Monsters:


3| Big Saturn

3| Dark Grepher

3| Destiny Hero - Malicous

2| Destiny Hero - Dasher

2| Krebons

2| Mind Master

2| Fiendish Engine Ω

1| Jinzo

1| Elemental Hero Stratos



18 Spells:


3| Allure of Darkness

3| Emergency Teleport

3| DDR

2| Reinforcment of the Army

2| D Draw

2| Burial from the Different Dimension

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon



3 Traps:


3| Solemn Judgment


Extra Deck:


3| Goyo

3| Stardust

3| Black Rose Dragon

3| Brionac

3|Mist Wurm

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