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Mister Sir

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Sorry for the caps, but I really need help on this one.

Monsters: 20

Cannon Soldier 3

Toon Cannon Soldier 3

Quillbolt Hedgehog 3

Destiny Hero - Dasher 3

Destiny Hero - Malicious 3

Psychic Commander 2

Krebons 3


Spells: 13

Toon Table of Contents 3

Dark World Dealings 3


Destiny Draw 3

Emergency Teleport 3


Traps: 10

Solemn Judgment 3

Divine Wrath 3

Imperial Iron Wall 3

Torrential Tribute

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heres mine though it needs a little bit of work


2x toon cannon

2x black pterra

3x plasma

3x dogma

3x dread master

3x broww


3x allure

3x trade in

3x dwd

3x d draw

3x toon table

2x hand destruction

1x card destruction

2x mallet


1x ultamite offering

2x dark bribe <--- since you have to wait a whole turn(gotta watch out for s/t destruction)

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