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Chaos God cards

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good job noticing callum h,plus this person left no Image Credit,it's overpowered,and it should belong in the "Any Other Cards" Thread,but,since it's so overpowered,and not really anybody knows the effect of Obelisk (Well....some people),this should be locked/

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You can't lock a thread because the card is not "good enough". And you shouldn't go around calling people stupid or one day you might wake up mentally retarded. Sorry if I'm nagging, but I hate when people make fun of somebody because their card isn't good enough. I hope this actually made you think. I am computerwhiz98 and I approve this message.

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  • 2 weeks later...

bad pic bad ocg, its basically another obelisk


so its just a copy, it like me calling 'dark magian', 'almost dark magain' and having everyhting else the same


and youve jsut doeubled the ATK, it doesnt seem a good card, THINK OF SOMETHING BETTER! SERIOUSLY!



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