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Yu-Gi-Oh 5 Dragons revenge[movie]*started people can still join though*


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OoC: Sometimes i say Pl0x instead of Please, which mean the Same thing, in addition, Yata Initially has 4000 ATK and 3000 DEF, but cannot inflict Damage or Destroy monsters other than with its Built in effect or with a Death Whisper Equip spell, his other Effect is Remove 1 Death Whisper Monster in the Grave to select 1 of the Opponent's monsters, and Destroy the Spell or Trap Behind it and all monsters that the opponent Controls, in addition, Yata when Sent to Cyberspace, is always Equipped with "Death Whisper - Stage 10" Which Increases its ATK by 3500 and its DEF by 3000, Boosting him to a Massive 7500 ATK and 6000 DEF Monster, In a Duel, to activate Stage 10 you need to send 1 Death Whisper Stage 8 during the end phase, Before Stage 8 is sent to the Grave along with the Monster

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OoC: Orichalcos is Godmoding!!!!!!!11111!1!1!!!!!!one!!!!Eleven111!1!!1!1!!!


Yata: Dialdos Inata!


Yata's Claymore turns into a Magic Staff


Yata: I activate Chaos Plague of the Death Whisper, Since i had attacked Orichalcos, he gained a Plague Counter, and Since Orichalcos has a Plague counter, he is Instantly Destroyed, Even If their Effect Prevents them from Being Destroyed


Black thorns Enveloped Orichalcos, then Spikes Shot out and Destroyed Orichalcos, Thorns were starting to Envelop around Grim too


Yata: I then Activate a Quick Play Spell, Death Whisper Vaccine!, Which Removes all Plague counters from an Equipped Monster and Prevents them from gaining any


A Needle Shot Grim in the Arm and the Thorns Recede


Chaos Plague of Death Whisper


All Monsters with Plague Counters are Destroyed, Regardless of Card effects

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Doom:They are virused making them almost impossible to beat

Virus is where they are infected with a virus in the pod giving them great power

dogma,avian,sparkman,bladedge,and neos all joined in

exodius did 300000 to dogma

orichialas did 50000 to bladedge

doom did 5000 to exodius

exodius life 500000

Doom:Crap and no one can help

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OOOC:They come back

Jack:I have to exit the pod

Doom became a helper

Jack worked on the virus trying to delete it

Jack:Come on

in the time jack used a power up for the people in the pod

all attacks do x5

Doom did 25000 to Exodius

Exodius and orchiaclos fused to make Orichalcos Exodius the Forbidden

life ?@#%$$%

Jack:Crap and if they kill them while in virus they will die

Jack worked even harder

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OoC: You are saying that so people can think i'm GMing, AMIRITE!? Because his Body Ability(Which is a Spell or Trap that Equips to one person and is Permanently Active), Which is Death Whisper - Stage 10, is a Trap Card that turns into an Equip card, Also i kinda forgot, Ryko is Out of the Pod, Remember that Ryko is 2 People? Yata IS Ryko, Just Slightly Evil, the other Ryko is out of the pod


Yata: GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yata allowed his Disease to Consume him, Then Several Million Arrows Were Shot at Orichalcos Exodius, Which unfortunately, Doom was Caught in the Crossfire


exodius 95000

Doom: -290000 LP(IDK how many LP Doom Has, but it will hit Both People)

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OOC:No one can kill doom he is has the virus and you aare god moding

Doom:I got them doom did 8000000 to Exodius

Doom had something weird happen


Doom turned into Denomic demon wing

Boss battle

Denomic Demon life 60000000

Jack:Crap i have to get help

Jack found the "card"

Jack went into the pod as Elemental hero Ultimate Fighter

Life 400000

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