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[DISC] Mega Ton Magical Cannon

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The true Spellcounter Nuke is Endymion + Arcanite or Arcanite Buster.

This is just a dead card that might work barely twice as much as Exodia without draw power works.





The jury's currently out on this one...




Depending on what we get in the spellcaster deck' date=' this card might go from "terribad" to just "bad"



Use it less to keep it funny.

Take an example of Crab Helmet + Wilford Brimley.

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with the arc buster now coming, this card is, for intents and purposes, dead. i would rather go through the sc summon to buster mode trouble thant use up 10 spell counters for a field destruction. and with endy, arc buster can clear every turn easy. just have to pour the spell counters onto that card. and that is not hard in the least.

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