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Shadow of the Colossus Cards [New Card: Corruption of the Warrior]


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From the epic PS2 game Shadow of the Colossus. I plan on making all 16 Colossi, plus more!



Picture Credit: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_J1Y2Gif69BA/SD3N2lXP4_I/AAAAAAAAAxs/aleEmmVK1L8/PALcoverbackground.jpg



Picture Credit: http://www.psu.com/media/articles/sotc1.jpg



Picture Credit: http://img.gamespot.com/gamespot/images/2004/screen0/924364_20040924_screen007.jpg



Picture Credit: http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/4774/sandsnakeyh8.jpg

Effect: When your opponent declares an attack on this monster, roll a six-sided die. If the result is a 2, 4, or 6, this monster is not destroyed, and Damage Calculation is applied normally. If it is a 3 or 5, this monster is not destroyed, and you take no damage. If the result is a 1, this monster is immediately destroyed, and you take the damage as Direct Damage to your Life Points.

*Please excuse the black bars at the top and bottom of the picture. I don't have Photoshop. :(



Picture Credit: http://www.thenewgamer.com/img/screens/2005_retrospective/sotc_1.jpg



Picture credit goes to Ankhalianet on DeviantART


Now, I am already expecting "NO VANILLAS!" My reasoning behind making the first three Colossi Normal Monsters is that they are probably the easiest kills and do not require much use of the environment to defeat - the status of being a Normal Monster reflects that fact. Also, the "Colossus" subtype may not seem important now, but it will later.


Comment and rate, as usual. I am also open to any suggestions or corrections.

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the pictures are too realistic but apart from that the rest is fine your pictures let you down


Well, Shadow of the Colossus is a video games. It's a bit hard to find illustrations for the characters. I think I'll check DeviantArt, but I'm not sure if I'll find anything.


In the Shadow


How's this for Gaius? It's a little messy, but still...

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Made the first three Tuners (didn't know there was such thing as Normal Tuners). Didn't feel like giving them effects, though I may change that.


Bad news. I wanted to make Dormin a Synchro Monster, but I can't find good picture of him as he appears in the end of the game... If anyone would be willing to help me find a pic, I thank you in advance.

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