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Claws of Hermos Contest (CLOSED)


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here is my entry


The sword of beggining


This card can only be activated by tributing "the Claw of Hermos" and "Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the beginning" from your side of the field. Increse the ATK of the equipped monster by 1000. This cards ATK decreases by 100 for every monster card in your graveyard.

If the equipped monster succsessfully destroys a monster as a result of battle activate one of the following effects.

* All cards in both players graveyards, hand and removed from play zone are shuffled into their respective decks. both players draw 5 cards from their decks.

*Discard 1 card from your hand the equipped card can attack again this turn. you can only activate this effect once per turn.



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well? is my entry right? with the sent to the graveyard by the effect of "The Claw of Hermos" or am i wrong? and how would i be wrong? where does it say that the cards are removed from play?


Your entry is right I already said that. Some does but some doesn't need to be removed from play. Sow for an entry doens't matter if well or not need to be removed from play

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