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Did everyone forget Macro?

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Why is it that everybody complains about the current metegame, oh no I can't afford DAD!, and yet when a concept to beat them is presented instead of trying ti find ways to improve it the shun it ifi it isn't complete and easy!!!!!!! (Not talking to anyone in peticular just trying to get people to create an original deck with what we have and not expect the top players, a new ban list, or some new card to solve our problems!!!!!!!!!!!!) I'm done...

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Guest PikaPerson01

This concept won't beat DAD because it's too slow. You pretty much gotta get Macro/Banisher/D-Fissure opening hand and go first or it's all over. (Along with hoping your opponent doesn't draw into S/T removal.) Even maxing out all of them only presents roughly a 3/10 chance of drawing them, and drawing them in multiples only goes against your victory condition and becomes useless.


From the opening hand Macro/Banisher/D-Fissure, and the necessary defense such as Solemn and Bribe, you gotta hope you manage to draw into a decent victory condition. (presumably Macro Monarchs?)


The concepts is pretty much a bad numbers game. Roughly 1/4th of your deck is dedicated JUST into RFG-ing. The other 1/4th is protecting you from things that could defeat your RFG stratedgy. Another 1/4th of the deck is your actual victory condition, and your final 1/4th is any unnecassary brick-a-brack left over, hopefully deck thinng. RoTA for Survivor? Valley for RFG-ing and drawing? Machine Dup for Valley and Scout Plane? Soul Exchange for the inevitable point where all survivors and scouts are in the grave rather then RFG? Etc etc.


Ultimately, Macro Decks don't flow well within their own deck and are far too slow to be consistent.

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