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Enigma Zero

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I've recently gotten back into playing online with the WC2008 for the DS. As with any card game, after a certain amount of time the urge to try completely left field decks arises. This deck is just that. I'm trying to improve upon the build as much as possible to make it more solid, but I know it's not some super amazing tournie winning design. It was mainly built to be different, have fun, and try new ideas. I can't shake the feeling that I am overlooking something very simple that would dramatically improve this design...which is why I posted it here. Thanks in advance for any constructive criticism that helps in that helps me accomplish this task.





1x Card Trooper

1x Marshmallon

1x Morphing Jar

1x Spirit Reaper



3x Amulet of Ambition

1x Card Destruction

3x Creature Seizure

1x Golden Sarcophagus

1x Heavy Storm

3x Jam Breading Machine

1x Level Limit - Area B

1x Lightning Vortex

3x Mage Power

2x Messenger of Peace

1x Monster Reborn

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Book of Moon

2x Spell Reproduction

1x Swords of Revealing Light



3x Dark Bribe

1x Gravity Bind

2x Mask of Restriction

1x Mirror Force

2x Solemn Judgement

1x Torrential Tribute



-1x United We Stand

+1x Mage Power

-2x Opti-Camouflage Armor

+2x Clock Tower Prison(tested/failed/too slow)

-2x Clock Tower Prison

+2x Book of Moon

-2x Spell Reproduction

+2x Magical Stone Excavation(Thanks Skuldur)

-I have considered Spirit Barrier but haven't tested it yet. I'm running a pretty full Spell/Trap Zone as it is and don't know if this would just get in the way or not.


OK. so that's what I have currently. Again, thanks in advance for any assitance. :D

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You use Amuluet of Ambition on a Slime Token which means you have a pretty much disposable attacker/defender that can take out a wide variety of monsters in combat. Look at it like this...


Slime Token + 1 Amulet vs.:

Level 4 = 2000 ATK

Level 5 = 2500 ATK

Level 6= 3000 ATK

..and so on and so on...


Also, you can almost attack nonstop once you Jam Breeding Ground and 1 Amulet in play because if they use a card to destroy the Slime Token you topdeck the amulet, generate a new token next turn, equip it, and repeat.


Also worth mentioning is that should need a little extra boost, you 'could' drop 2 amulets on one token and get double the effect. ;)

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You use Amuluet of Ambition on a Slime Token which means you have a pretty much disposable attacker/defender that can take out a wide variety of monsters in combat. Look at it like this...


Slime Token + 1 Amulet vs.:

Level 4 = 2000 ATK

Level 5 = 2500 ATK

Level 6= 3000 ATK

..and so on and so on...


Also' date=' you can almost attack nonstop once you Jam Breeding Ground and 1 Amulet in play because if they use a card to destroy the Slime Token you topdeck the amulet, generate a new token next turn, equip it, and repeat.


Also worth mentioning is that should need a little extra boost, you 'could' drop 2 amulets on one token and get double the effect. ;)

[/quote']I like originality. Keep it up;).

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Actually, half the time I don't use the ones I have in the deck. I might use Card Trooper as an opener to get an extra card, Morphing Jar if I can drop most of my hand with a counter early, or either Marshmallon or Spirit Reaper for a "just in case" backup but I rarely, if ever, use more than 1-2 actual monsters. I usually rely mainly on the Slime Tokens.


BTW, I dropped the United We Stand for a 3rd Mage Power because it's just faster.


Hmm, I should really update the 1st post. I think I'll do that now. :D

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I though so until I had it used against me twice in the same match. When I checked the newest ban list...you could use 3, so I did. It came as a shock to me since I rarely use equip cards in the 1st place. This, of course, would be my exception.


Actually, according to the September 08 list I have there are no restrictions on...


Reinforcement of the Army

Mage Power

Creature Swap

Pot of Avarice


The Egyptian Gods(going to bet this one is game only since they handed them out a few months ago...and I missed them because I was on vacation)

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