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Zombie Buster

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[spoiler=Version 2 // 10/22/08 1:08 AM EST]

Monsters: (17)

3x Deathkaiser Dragon/Buster

3x Stardust Dragon/buster


3x plaguespreader Zombie

2x Zombie Master

2x Goblin Zombie

2x Buster Beast

2x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress


Spells: (12)

2x Zombie World

2x Card of Safe Return

2x Lightning Vortex

2x Buster Teleport

2x Foolish Burial

1x Giant Trunade

1x Monster Reborn


Traps: (11)

3x Solemn Judgment

3x Buster Mode

2x Imperial Iron Walls

2x Compulsary Evacuation Device

1x Torrential Tribute


Extra Deck: (15)

1 red dragon archfiend

1 thought ruler archfiend

1 dark end dragon

2 stardust dragon

1 black rose dragon

1 x saber urbellum

2 doomkaiser dragon

2 brionac, dragon of the ice boundary

2 goyo guardian

1 Ally Of Justice catastor

1 arms aid




















[spoiler=Version 1 // 10/21/08 9:39 PM EST]

Monsters: (18)

2x Darklord Zerato

2x Deathkaiser Dragon/Buster

1x Stardust Dragon/buster


3x plaguespreader Zombie

2x Zombie Master

2x Goblin Zombie

2x Buster Beast

2x Quillbolt Hedgehog

2x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress


Spells: (12)

2x Zombie World

2x Card of Safe Return

2x Foolish Burial

2x Lightning Vortex

2x Buster Teleport

1x Giant Trunade

1x Monster Reborn


Traps: (10)

3x Solemn Judgment

3x Buster Mode

2x Imperial Iron Walls

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force


Extra Deck: (15)

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Deathkaiser Dragon

3x Arms Aid

2x Revived King Ha Des

2x Goyo Guardian

2x Thought Ruler Archfiend











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I am not an expert on /buster deck but I'm pretty sure you're doing it wrong with : 2 zerato, 3/buster, 2 quillbolt, 2 CoSR, 2 Zombie World, 2 foolish burial, 2 buster teleport,3 buster mode, 2 iron wall. That's half your deck right there that can't do anything.


Xander Clause


Rework your extra deck it's bad, really bad.

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-.- there is xander clause. Zerato is in there to nuke opponents field for DKDB to swarm and destroy. Bolty I was kinda Iffy on but I decided to put it in as its abusable with a tuner like Plague and CoSR and IIW, as is obviously plague. ZWorld serves two purposes, making more targets to synchro into DKD and making more targets for DKD and DKDB. And now wait lets recap this... your saying buster mode, the card which is needed to pull out the busters, shouldnt be run in a buster deck...? Please try again and thanks for coming.

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Read everything PLZ because I'm trying to help you here.


Sorry, I haven't seen the links after the deck I stopped reading at 3x arms aid (and you are lucky I didn't stop before that). That's probably the only thing I missed.


I'm not saying you shouldn't play buster mode it's just that if you add this to the rest you have 20 cards that have an high probability of doing nothing.



-Zerato does nothing if it's not in the grave with zombie world on the field. You shouldn't need more than one.

-/busters does nothing if you draw them. Even if you need them they count as being possible dead cards.

-quillbolt does nothing if you draw it. I wouldn't play it.

-zombie world helps when you syncro but if you can't it's useless. you still need it for the OTK though.

-CoSR is useless unless you have zombie master or pleague in the grave. but it's good zombie support with more graveyard abuse it would have less chance of doing nothing. I would add stuff like book of life.

-Foolish Burial is already a -1 and you need to give a card to get back pleaguespreader it's even worse because you will still need a monster to syncro. Armageddon Knight is better here you can syncro with him + 1 card in hand.

-buster teleport has only 3 target it's like playing 2 trade ins with 3 lv8 monsters that you can't search. Speaking of trade in it would be great in the deck since DKD/B is lv8 as well as zerato.

-buster mode requires a syncro on the field. Like you said you need it for /busters but it can still be a dead draw.

-Iron wall has no impact on the game unless you have pleague+CoSR and if you are lucky enough to get that you deserve to win anyway. I wouldn't play it.




Everything requires a lot of setup and if I recap the things I'd change about the deck it gives :



-1 DLZ

-1 Stradust /buster

-2 quillbolt hedgehog

-2 lyla

-2 foolish burial

-2 buster teleport

-2 lightning vortex (you have zerato when you go for game)

-1 buster mode (you have beast to search it)

-2 Iron wall (it stops most of the good zombie support)

-1 mirror force (sad it's not chainable)


+1 DKD/B

+2 Armageddon knight

+2 ryko (I don't like lyla ryko is safer)

+3 mezuki

+2 book of life

+2 trade In

+1 terraforming

+1 HEAVY STORM (you're trying to otk here)

+1 burial from the different dimension

+2 PWWB (to discard mezuki and can help set up the otk)


Trust me this will make the deck A LOT better.





For the extra deck playing 3 copies of a monster is bad (2 max of the most important ones) it's supposed to be a toolbox to help you adapt to the multiple situations that will appear in duels.


This is a good one :

[spoiler=extra deck 15]

1 red dragon archfiend

1 thought ruler archfiend

1 dark end dragon

1 stardust dragon

1 black rose dragon

1 x saber urbellum

2 doomkaiser dragon

1 revived king ha des

2 brionac, dragon of the ice boundary (it's the best syncro ever made)

2 goyo guardian

1 Ally Of Justice catastor

1 arms aid



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Sorry' date=' I haven't seen the links after the deck I stopped reading at 3x arms aid (and you are lucky I didn't stop before that). That's probably the only thing I missed.[/quote']


Honestly I didnt even put them in there to need em, I just didnt know what else to put in, I dont know the OCG Synchros


I'm not saying you shouldn't play buster mode it's just that if you add this to the rest you have 20 cards that have an high probability of doing nothing.



-Zerato does nothing if it's not in the grave with zombie world on the field. You shouldn't need more than one.

-/busters does nothing if you draw them. Even if you need them they count as being possible dead cards.

-quillbolt does nothing if you draw it. I wouldn't play it.

-zombie world helps when you syncro but if you can't it's useless. you still need it for the OTK though.

-CoSR is useless unless you have zombie master or pleague in the grave. but it's good zombie support with more graveyard abuse it would have less chance of doing nothing. I would add stuff like book of life.

-Foolish Burial is already a -1 and you need to give a card to get back pleaguespreader it's even worse because you will still need a monster to syncro. Armageddon Knight is better here you can syncro with him + 1 card in hand.

-buster teleport has only 3 target it's like playing 2 trade ins with 3 lv8 monsters that you can't search. Speaking of trade in it would be great in the deck since DKD/B is lv8 as well as zerato.

-buster mode requires a syncro on the field. Like you said you need it for /busters but it can still be a dead draw.

-Iron wall has no impact on the game unless you have pleague+CoSR and if you are lucky enough to get that you deserve to win anyway. I wouldn't play it.

The point of the deck is to use DKDB to swarm and destroy. I actually just reread the effect and am going to take out Zerato as it wont have its effect and I was gonna select it as a target to nuke opponents field. Ill probably neg em for a second SDDB and maybe a RDAB Ill neg the Foolishes for Arm Knight. IIW is for just masive draw and synchro abuse.


Everything requires a lot of setup and if I recap the things I'd change about the deck it gives :



-1 DLZ

-1 Stradust /buster

-2 quillbolt hedgehog

-2 lyla

-2 foolish burial

-2 buster teleport

-2 lightning vortex (you have zerato when you go for game)

-1 buster mode (you have beast to search it)

-2 Iron wall (it stops most of the good zombie support)

-1 mirror force (sad it's not chainable)


+1 DKD/B

+2 Armageddon knight

+2 ryko (I don't like lyla ryko is safer)

+3 mezuki

+2 book of life

+2 trade In

+1 terraforming

+1 HEAVY STORM (you're trying to otk here)

+1 burial from the different dimension

+2 PWWB (to discard mezuki and can help set up the otk)


Trust me this will make the deck A LOT better.


I will take these under consideration.


For the extra deck playing 3 copies of a monster is bad (2 max of the most important ones) it's supposed to be a toolbox to help you adapt to the multiple situations that will appear in duels.


This is a good one :

[spoiler=extra deck 15]

1 red dragon archfiend

1 thought ruler archfiend

1 dark end dragon

1 stardust dragon

1 black rose dragon

1 x saber urbellum

2 doomkaiser dragon

1 revived king ha des

2 brionac' date=' dragon of the ice boundary (it's the best syncro ever made)

2 goyo guardian

1 Ally Of Justice catastor

1 arms aid





Thank you I will admit it was bad I just didnt know many of the OCG synchros and most TCG ones suck @§§

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[spoiler=Fail Post With Commentary by Phantom Roxas]

Read everything PLZ because I'm trying to help you here.


Sorry' date=' I haven't seen the links after the deck I stopped reading at 3x arms aid (and you are lucky I didn't stop before that). That's probably the only thing I missed.


[b']Why try to help if you didn't read the whole thing?[/b]


I'm not saying you shouldn't play buster mode it's just that if you add this to the rest you have 20 cards that have an high probability of doing nothing.


Sure, Buster Mode isn't as great as it could be, but I wouldn't call half the Deck a dead draw.



-Zerato does nothing if it's not in the grave with zombie world on the field. You shouldn't need more than one.

-/busters does nothing if you draw them. Even if you need them they count as being possible dead cards.

RDA/B is Allureable, but this doesn't run that.


-quillbolt does nothing if you draw it. I wouldn't play it.

Quillbolt helps with Synchro Summoning.


-zombie world helps when you syncro but if you can't it's useless. you still need it for the OTK though.

You forget about Zombie Master. Also, what makes you think this is meant to OTK?


-CoSR is useless unless you have zombie master or pleague in the grave. but it's good zombie support with more graveyard abuse it would have less chance of doing nothing. I would add stuff like book of life.

And ironically this is after the explanation where Zombie Master was forgotten.


-Foolish Burial is already a -1 and you need to give a card to get back pleaguespreader it's even worse because you will still need a monster to syncro. Armageddon Knight is better here you can syncro with him + 1 card in hand.

Foolish Burial can mill Quillbolt.


-buster teleport has only 3 target it's like playing 2 trade ins with 3 lv8 monsters that you can't search. Speaking of trade in it would be great in the deck since DKD/B is lv8 as well as zerato.

I somewhat agree with this.


-buster mode requires a syncro on the field. Like you said you need it for /busters but it can still be a dead draw.

Buster Mode requires the Synchro to be destroyed, but I know what you mean. Also, you just said that DKD/B is Trade-In bait.


-Iron wall has no impact on the game unless you have pleague+CoSR and if you are lucky enough to get that you deserve to win anyway. I wouldn't play it.

Iron Wall allows PSZ to be constantly revived.




Everything requires a lot of setup and if I recap the things I'd change about the deck it gives :



-1 DLZ

No comment

-1 Stradust /buster


-2 quillbolt hedgehog

I believe I've already said enough about the neccessity of Quillbolt.

-2 lyla

No comment.

-2 foolish burial

Foolish is a MUST in Zombie Decks.

-2 buster teleport

Agreed. However, it cancels out the dead draw, so...

-2 lightning vortex (you have zerato when you go for game)

Overkill FTW.

-1 buster mode (you have beast to search it)

Eh, maybe.

-2 Iron wall (it stops most of the good zombie support)

Yep, you're crazy full of fail.

-1 mirror force (sad it's not chainable)

I'd keep it.


+1 DKD/B


+2 Armageddon knight

Why two?

+2 ryko (I don't like lyla ryko is safer)

No comment.

+3 mezuki


+2 book of life


+2 trade In


+1 terraforming


+1 HEAVY STORM (you're trying to otk here)

Again, how do you know he's trying to OTK?

+1 burial from the different dimension

He already has IIW.

+2 PWWB (to discard mezuki and can help set up the otk)



Trust me this will make the deck A LOT better.






For the extra deck playing 3 copies of a monster is bad (2 max of the most important ones) it's supposed to be a toolbox to help you adapt to the multiple situations that will appear in duels.

In some cases, running a Synchro in 3's is good.


This is a good one :

[spoiler=extra deck 15]

1 red dragon archfiend

1 thought ruler archfiend

1 dark end dragon

1 stardust dragon

1 black rose dragon

1 x saber urbellum

2 doomkaiser dragon

1 revived king ha des

2 brionac, dragon of the ice boundary (it's the best syncro ever made)


2 goyo guardian

1 Ally Of Justice catastor

1 arms aid

Ah yes, the card that made you stop reading when you saw it was maxed.






Sorry' date=' I haven't seen the links after the deck I stopped reading at 3x arms aid (and you are lucky I didn't stop before that). That's probably the only thing I missed.[/quote']


Honestly I didnt even put them in there to need em, I just didnt know what else to put in, I dont know the OCG Synchros


Why put them in then? You could have used better Synchro's instead.


I'm not saying you shouldn't play buster mode it's just that if you add this to the rest you have 20 cards that have an high probability of doing nothing.



-Zerato does nothing if it's not in the grave with zombie world on the field. You shouldn't need more than one.

-/busters does nothing if you draw them. Even if you need them they count as being possible dead cards.

-quillbolt does nothing if you draw it. I wouldn't play it.

-zombie world helps when you syncro but if you can't it's useless. you still need it for the OTK though.

-CoSR is useless unless you have zombie master or pleague in the grave. but it's good zombie support with more graveyard abuse it would have less chance of doing nothing. I would add stuff like book of life.

-Foolish Burial is already a -1 and you need to give a card to get back pleaguespreader it's even worse because you will still need a monster to syncro. Armageddon Knight is better here you can syncro with him + 1 card in hand.

-buster teleport has only 3 target it's like playing 2 trade ins with 3 lv8 monsters that you can't search. Speaking of trade in it would be great in the deck since DKD/B is lv8 as well as zerato.

-buster mode requires a syncro on the field. Like you said you need it for /busters but it can still be a dead draw.

-Iron wall has no impact on the game unless you have pleague+CoSR and if you are lucky enough to get that you deserve to win anyway. I wouldn't play it.

The point of the deck is to use DKDB to swarm and destroy. I actually just reread the effect and am going to take out Zerato as it wont have its effect and I was gonna select it as a target to nuke opponents field. Ill probably neg em for a second SDDB and maybe a RDAB Ill neg the Foolishes for Arm Knight. IIW is for just masive draw and synchro abuse.


Not to sure about RDA/B.


Everything requires a lot of setup and if I recap the things I'd change about the deck it gives :



-1 DLZ

-1 Stradust /buster

-2 quillbolt hedgehog

-2 lyla

-2 foolish burial

-2 buster teleport

-2 lightning vortex (you have zerato when you go for game)

-1 buster mode (you have beast to search it)

-2 Iron wall (it stops most of the good zombie support)

-1 mirror force (sad it's not chainable)


+1 DKD/B

+2 Armageddon knight

+2 ryko (I don't like lyla ryko is safer)

+3 mezuki

+2 book of life

+2 trade In

+1 terraforming

+1 HEAVY STORM (you're trying to otk here)

+1 burial from the different dimension

+2 PWWB (to discard mezuki and can help set up the otk)


Trust me this will make the deck A LOT better.


I will take these under consideration.


Read my commentary on this part.


For the extra deck playing 3 copies of a monster is bad (2 max of the most important ones) it's supposed to be a toolbox to help you adapt to the multiple situations that will appear in duels.


This is a good one :

[spoiler=extra deck 15]

1 red dragon archfiend

1 thought ruler archfiend

1 dark end dragon

1 stardust dragon

1 black rose dragon

1 x saber urbellum

2 doomkaiser dragon

1 revived king ha des

2 brionac' date=' dragon of the ice boundary (it's the best syncro ever made)

2 goyo guardian

1 Ally Of Justice catastor

1 arms aid





Thank you I will admit it was bad I just didnt know many of the OCG synchros and most TCG ones suck @§§


Then you should try to learn the OCG Synchros.

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I did a nice big edit and made this into its version 2 already. I didnt take most of PSA's advice but I did do most of the extra deck based on his advice. I did swap burial for arm but then I realized bolty wasnt dark and reswaped. I also negged a mirror force, among other things as Im not a big fan of mirror force honestly. I put in compulsaries to combat synchros which I might trade for PWWB. I prefer Trunade over Heavy due to the IIW and the CoSR in the deck. I didnt go the the RDAB for I realized it was a dark hole when it attacks. I also maxed out the Busters for more targets for the Teleports which I want to max but dunno what to take out.

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to phantom :


DKD/B is like RftDD you want to OTK the turn you summon him because you lose everything in the end phase.


Your saying that he should keep quillbolt and foolish (to dump quillbolt) since it helps syncro summoning. The fact is you don't need quillbolt to syncro summon you just need armageddon knight to be able to summon any lv6 syncro monster (the only lv you really need here).


The only thing I might change after some thoughts is keeping the foolish instead of the PWWB, in the changes i suggested, to dump mezuki. (way better than for quillbolt)


To get lv8 syncro use pleague again with a lv6 syncro. (this is easy with brionac)


And you want him to keep iron wall to reuse Pleague. With mezuki, zombie master (I did not forget him I actually mention him where I should) and book of life you can syncro many time with it before 1 gets removed and he plays 3.


Book of life and mezuki are 2 of the best (if not the best) zombie revival cards and Iron wall conflicts with them. I'd rather play 2 good cards then to try getting a "sack" combo using bad cards that can't be searched.




to Tickle Me Emo :


Why would zerato lose it's effect? And I'm not sure about RDA/B also.

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I did a nice big edit and made this into its version 2 already. I didnt take most of PSA's advice but I did do most of the extra deck based on his advice. I did swap burial for arm but then I realized bolty wasnt dark and reswaped. I also negged a mirror force' date=' among other things as Im not a big fan of mirror force honestly. I put in compulsaries to combat synchros which I might trade for PWWB. I prefer Trunade over Heavy due to the IIW and the CoSR in the deck. I didnt go the the RDAB for I realized it was a dark hole when it attacks. I also maxed out the Busters for more targets for the Teleports which I want to max but dunno what to take out.



New version looks good, and I understand about Trunade over Storm.


to phantom :


DKD/B is like RftDD you want to OTK the turn you summon him because you lose everything in the end phase.


DKD/B summons them from the Graveyard' date=' RftDD summons them when their RFG, and you have to pay half your Life Points for RftDD. DKD/B>RftDD, so don't compare them.


Your saying that he should keep quillbolt and foolish (to dump quillbolt) since it helps syncro summoning. The fact is you don't need quillbolt to syncro summon you just need armageddon knight to be able to summon any lv6 syncro monster (the only lv you really need here).




The only thing I might change after some thoughts is keeping the foolish instead of the PWWB' date=' in the changes i suggested, to dump mezuki. (way better than for quillbolt)



I was agreeing until I noticed this statement was against Quillbolt.


To get lv8 syncro use pleague again with a lv6 syncro. (this is easy with brionac)


You already have Brionac out' date=' why send him and PSZ away for RDA or TRA?


And you want him to keep iron wall to reuse Pleague. With mezuki, zombie master (I did not forget him I actually mention him where I should) and book of life you can syncro many time with it before 1 gets removed and he plays 3.


Quillbolt+PSZ+IIW=More Synchro's than this combo.


Book of life and mezuki are 2 of the best (if not the best) zombie revival cards and Iron wall conflicts with them. I'd rather play 2 good cards then to try getting a "sack" combo using bad cards that can't be searched.


IIW may conflict with them' date=' but it's still pretty good.


to Tickle Me Emo :


Why would zerato lose it's effect? (1) And I'm not sure about RDA/B also. (2)


1) I don't know either.

2) RDA/B might not be so bad for this Deck, but I still wouldn't recommend it.

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to phantom again :


-Even if i don't compare them you still lose your monsters in the end phase that's why you want to OTK.

And DKD/B is not better than return I don't need to explain this it's obvious why.


-You might need RDA if you opponent has a lot of monsters out after you clear the backfield.


-To explain why you usually only need lv6, well that's how zombie syncro are played you syncro brionac to discard the cards you don't need (usually mezuki, pleague) and then use some revival to syncro 2 goyos and/or Deathkaisers to kill. (It's that easy)


-Quillbolt + IIW < Book of Life + Mezuki

Because you don't need quillbolt and IIW why more syncros you only have 5 monster card zones and the game lasts about 3 turns in this format. Why take a chance at drawing bad cards when you can make sure you draw good ones.


to tickle :

Neg a stardust/buster for the zerato. I doubt you need more than 2 of him anyway.

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