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How to make Secret Rares (Requires Photoshop)

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Everyone seems to really like my idea in the suggestion forum, so those of you that have Photoshop ought to benefit greatly from this. It's a simple process and doesn't take long to do, so here we go.


Take a card that you want to make a Secret Rare (Preferably with the proper text) and Open it in Photoshop. I'll be using this one.



Once you have it open, make a new document that is 5 x 5 pixels and transparent and magnify it all the way as high as it will go.


Now select the Line Tool and make sure it's set to "Fill Pixels".



Now, in your little 5 x 5 box, draw a horizontal black line that is going from the top right corner to the bottom left. It may be a little hard to control but keep trying until you get something that looks like this:



After that, go to Edit -> Define Pattern and name it "SCR Line" then hit OK.


The Design is now saved on your computer and can be used by photoshop on your images.


Next step: Make a new layer and select the Rectangular Marquee Tool and makes a box around the card image.



Try to just get the card image inside the marquee if you try to get too perfect the effect could leak out onto the card border, but if it does, that's easily fixable.


Now, right click inside the Marquee box and click "Fill" A box should come up, make it look like this:



Hit OK, and your card should now have a whole bunch of black lines over it. Congrats, you're almost done. There's just one thing to do.


Go over to the Layers window and change the Blending mode to "Soft Light"



If the effect looks too strong you can turn down the Opacity. I used 75%



There you go, you now know how to make "Secret Rares". Although it doesn't look exactly like a real one does, I think it's pretty damn close.


Enjoy. ^^

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When i do soft light' date=' my whole card turns white!


And English was my first language. Then i learned Chineese and Japaneese



Did you make sure the line you made is on a transparent background?


[align=center]Would this work in GIMP like is there a way of doing it in GIMP?

Btw' date=' that card example is such a cool card![/align']


I don't know. I've never used GIMP. I assume if you can do all the steps one way or another in GIMP then it SHOULD work. but I really don't have any clue.


I only have Photoshop 2.0


Will that work?


Same answer as above.

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