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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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OOC: Rookie, my guy isn't even in the same country as you


Zacaria was in the cathedral, and stuck in the long procession to the front, where the staff laid. He sighed in annoyance and let his mind wander, only coming back to move forward. In 10 minutes he reached the front, where the high priest was standing by the case. 'Is this truely the legendary staff of our god?' Zac said with false interest. 'Yes, it was found here in a cavern that is now below the city, those that made it knew this was a sign from our god, for these lands are fertile and have given us much. We a grateful for this staff, as you should know' the man said wisely. 'That is amazing, and yet sad, for now, this staff is mine' Zac said with a grin and smashed the case. 'GUARDS!' the priest called. Zac didn't notice as he claimed the staff and dropped his coat, revealing his wings. 'A different god has need for this staff, toodles' he said with a wave and took off. He broke through the glass window at the front and took off, landing on the roof. 'All this for a sacred artifact?' he thought.

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ooc:to BrokenHeart15 okay, but he already disappear though. to Grim and Jake, yea kinda do sound op when possessed, but he still human so he lost a lot of poison blood from that wound because he still fighting that why he throwing no safety in the match and is trying to hurry up and kill Grim. If you make him focus him one and then sneak him with a another shot, he will pass out from losing to much blood. I suggest Jake take the shot since he already got the poison in his system.

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Balthazar appreared in front of Flu and gave him a blood thirsty grin. Flu's eyes opened wide when the sharp pain of a sword being stabbed through his lower body flowed through him. Balthazar withdrew the weapon and pushed Flu over, who had passed out b/c of the massive blood loss. Balthazar whipped the blood off his weapon and turned to everyone else.


to Grim: He will get back up, that wound was none fatal.

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I stood up leaning my scythe. I smiled. "Nice." I grabbed Marcus by the edge of my scythe and threw to a wall. I rushed toward Grim and put my scythe by his neck. "I kill you later." I fell to the ground still smiling with a bony face until the bones disappear.

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ooc: Ah...


Eliseal watched the battle from a far and was frowning because of the lack of help she was giving. "I'll have to summon him if I ever want to help them, but...if I do I will be closer to the last summon in the set...I'll have to take the risk!" Eliseal said as she was running over to a bush for some unknown reason.


ooc: Where is Eliseal going? How many people WILL DIE!? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z! I mean... adventure rp...yeah...that's the one.

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Zac had somehow escaped the justice of the capital city. 'I got passed too much, but now, the sacred relic is mine, and with Balthazar possessing the other, it would appear dark and light are fighting for power' he said. Although tired form his escape, Zac spread his wings again and took off, straight back to Corenth.

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Floating in mid space while light is shining on me. (Weakly:Ultima......is that you.....) Another figure appear and whisper in my ear. "It seemed I have no other choice then, but what about him though." The figure whisper in my ear again. "That comfortable to know. Thank you both." I opened my eyes and saw Grim above me.

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ooc: yes that one of god my character follow and is born under. my character was born under unique events and his people each are born under 12 (13 is rare which I am born under all; explain later) signs and thus are describe in their culture's way of life.

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