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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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"Ok, but I'll use a higher level spell this time..." Marcus looked in fright as she poured some wine directly on the scribbled portion of the page. "Gure-pu Hireki!" The wine disappeared in a flash of white light and a cloud of purple smoke. Eliseal was trying to see what it revealed through the smoke and brightness...

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Marcus laughed, but not at Eliseal exactly. He grabbed a small charm from his pocket and showed it to her. Eliseal quickly noticed that it was an answering pendulum for simple q&a spells. He swung it over the book and poured very little magical energy into the charm.


to Eliseal: Sometimes . . . the simpilest spells are the most effective.


The letters of the book began to swirl and then began readable.

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"Cheater..." Eliseal said with a grin on her face, she knew it was all in good fun, until Balthazar shows up again that is(=P). Eliseal started reading the words. "The item you seek, is at the top of the most windy of peak. But be wary of the eyes of the beast." Eliseal sighed and then closed her eyes to think. "That's it! That could be anywhere..." She said with great discouragement...

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"Well lets narrow down..." Eliseal took out a world map of the area(what? >.>). "There are precisely seven mountain peaks that are at a high enough altitude to be considered windy enough. All we should have to do is go to the town records and cross reference and narrow it down to see which mountain peaks have beasts living on them." Eliseal said as she pointed out the peaks for all to see...

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Marcus shook his head. He knew that the relics were scattered not in one area, but the entire planet. they'd have to find the windiest peak in the entire world.


to Eliseal: It wont be that easy, but I've been around . . .


Marcus takes out a world map and points to a specific mountain in the north.


out loud: That is known as "King's Mountain". It is the highest in the north and once a year the wind become so violent people cannot pass the through it.

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Zac had exited a clothing store, his armour was gone and he was wearing new clothes similar to his old ones, with a trench coat covering his folded wings. He wore black knee boots as well. 'Time to visit the map store' he muttered and walked aorund following directions to it. He entered it and walked straight over to the front desk. 'Excuse, I would like to purchase a map of the empire, as I am pilgrim wishing to see the Grand Cathedral of the empire' he said with a smile. The woman at the desk nodded and returned with a coiled map. 'That'll be 5 gold pieces. Many pilgrims go tot hat Cathedral, so the maps of the empire are so cheap, they're practically giving them away. Also, the fastest way to get to the empires capitol is by boat' she advised. Zac just smiled at her and tookt he map, giving her the gold pieces. 'No, I have already made travel arrangements, but thank you anyway'. He left the store and found a table at a nearby restaurant to read the map. He ordered a glass of milk and began to chart his course.

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ooc: f*** omar! lol


Eliseal got up and grabbed the big crate of wine with both hands to start walking out the door. "Alright, if we're all ready we can finally get this group on the right track. Of course what we're doing may be considered on the wrong track..." Eliseal said as she waited for everyone else...

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