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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Zac was looking to the skies when he felt words being whispered to them. 'Angel agent 345821, Zacharias Felmoon. We have a mission for you, a mission to locate a relic' it whispered. Zac looked aorund wildly. 'Who are you, and which relic?' he asked. 'A staff is your next objective, the location the Grand Cathedral of the empire. They worship it as if it twere a gift from their god. Your mission is to retrieve it, by any means, and know this, it CANNOT enter the hands of the demon Balthazar' it replied. Zac nodded. 'When do I leave?' he asked.

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ooc: or WILL it? lol


Eliseal placed her hands on the edges of the circle and closed her eyes. "Ryoushou!" The circle activated in a light shine of blue light, the book was floating in the air and then after a few moments it landed on the table again. The circle was gone and Eliseal opened the book only to see that the scribbles still remained. "Dang..." She said as she started to read the book again...

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