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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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"I don't even know myself Marcus. Well, I can tell you as little as I can until another will take my stead. I was here when I met Grim, I assume you know him, and Tarr. They said that they had just escaped an island on a demons boat that just so happened to be owned by Balthazar. Balthazar killed a summoner named Zac, and Zac himself made his soul a summon but when he was summoned Balthazar made him "fictional" so to speak..." Eliseal said, with a smile on her face.

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Marcus nodded his head as Eliseal explained the events since his "departure". Once she was finished he shook his head.


Out loud: Well the good thing is nothing much has passed since he took over. Bad thing is 1) he killed Zac and 2) HE'S CALLING THE SHIP HIS!?


Marcus grabbed his hair and began to complain that now HIS ship is rumored to be captained by a demon and such.

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Zac had finally found his body again. It was worse for wear as it had been badly damaged by animals and the like, but his items were still intake. He takes the Midlight Sapphire from his pocket and digs into the body's bag. He finds the smooth surface of the Dusk Ruby and takes it out. 'I could never stop, never' he said. He grabs whatever supplies could be find and then he begins to dig a hole. Once it was ready, his body was gently placed in and then he refilled it. A small marker was left behind, it read 'Here lies Summoner Zac, slain by his own ignorance'. With that, Zac begins to fly back to Corenth. 'My bod is gone, as is my identity. I still remain hwo I am, but, I must create a new name, eventually'.

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Marcus was shaken from his rants when Tarr said she wanted to find the Relics so he could be freed of his curse. He slowly looked up at Tarr and smiled at the kind thought- however he knew that she deserved salvation mre than he did. He stood upright and straightened himself out.


to Tarr: Alright then, lets go get the other Relics.

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Zac had finally reached the town again, he landed on a tower and surveyed the city, his wings stretched to balance him. 'There is an odd disturbance in power, as if Balthazar was silenced. That would mean that we have Marcus back. Excellent, then I get to kill him more easily now'.

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Zac flies over the city, trying to find his target. They were spotted hwen he saw Tarr. Zac lands as inconspicuously as possible, which was difficult. He completely ignores tarr and Eliseal and looks straight at Marcus. 'You weak minded coward! Do you have any idea what havoc you are causing?' he questioned.

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Marcus laughed when Zac said that he could be Balthazar messing with them- it sounded like seomthing he'd do. And he was glad everyone was defending him; it was the first time anybody had done that in a long time.


to Zac: What would it take to convince you I'm Marcus?


to Eliseal: I am usually only a little bit tired when the switch happens- I'm fine now.

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zac looked at Marcus and smiled. 'Balthazar's life is not worth your own, I only wnated to see if you were worth saving. Something caused Balthazar to be knocked out fo control, now, i cna prevent him from taking control again using a holy sigil tattooed to your fore-head'.

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