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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Balthazar looked at Eliseal and thought about his answer for a minute before answering the child.


to Eliseal: Must I argue with the likes of him? Not really, however constantly reminding him that he lost too me has its benifits. Now . . . about your training- I believe learning the dark arts would be more benificial to you child.

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"But if I learn the dark arts, I'll be a sage and not a summoner..." Eliseal said as she turned from Balthazar to think about her decision. "I already have extensive white arts trains, if I learn black arts then my three abilities will be mixed, making me a sage. But am I really strong enough to let the darkness flow through me. I-I need more time." Eliseal sat on the road side and started to really consider her training methods.

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A small black snake with two heads slithered beside her. It opened its mouth and hissed at her. Without warning or being prevoked the snake lunged at Eliseal to injects its deadly venom into her- but as it leaps into the air the creature bursts into flames and only ash lands on Eliseal's lap. Balthazar walks around the corner with a wicked smile painted on his face.


to Eliseal: That is one of the basic summons of a dark arcanic child.

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"I-I just don't know what to do..." Eliseal looked over to Grim and Zac. "Grim your a wraith so surely you know of the powers a summoner can use? At least a little knowledge anyway. And Zac you were once a flesh and blood summoner, so you obviously know. What do you two think of all this?" Eliseal really wanted there opinions and it would impact her decision drastically to know what they thought about the idea of a summoner becoming a sage.

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Zac looked at her. 'The road of a summoner is, not to sound corny, a road of growth. The summoner grows as does their summons do, a young summoner is given their first summon and they learn and grow together. However, you are not a new summoner, as you already possess summons, so that does not apply. Even if you become a sage by learning through the dark arts, your official title is still a summoner, however, this overabundance of magical power may impair your summoning ability and make your summons become more magically inclined. A friend of mine focuses so heavily into the white arts that her own summons became holy creatures as well, whilst another focuses on the arcane, his summons became terrible beasts, his strongest became a chimera. Before you decide, you must consider the welfare of your spirits as well' he told her. 'However, there is the elemental branch of magic as well, which would affect your spirits as well, a pure heart can be immersed in darkness and still be fine. Also, you accepted his offer, not excepting it'.

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Balthazar looked back at Grim, who had his scyth to the mans neck. He smiled and then looked at the leader again. Monster? He hasn't seen a real monster yet! With a loud yell balthazar stripped his human appearance and showed his true form. He laughed as the gangsters quaked in fear.


to leader: Now you were saying waht about monsters?

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"I can't summon you, there's no need to just yet." Eliseal stood up, grabbed Zac's glyph and walked until she saw that Grim and Jack were fighting a group of people. "Gr, I guess I'll have to someone you know but lets make it clear that this is just a favor and your not really "my summon."" Eliseal explained to Zac and started flowing energy into Zac's glyph. "Lvl 3, Summon!" A stream of energy flowed fro the glyph and Zac's appearance was soon recognizable to the world.

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Zac sighed. 'About god damned time' he sad, stretching his wings. He then walks over to Balthazar and puts his hand on his shoulder. 'There's no need to be so violent Balthy, after all, what better guidance could there be than the book of the lord?' he asked, holding up a bible. He then turns to the leader. 'Here, take a look' he said, holding the book by the spine. It opens up and blasts the leader with a stream of light energies, causing his victim to be knocked unconscious. Zac breaks down in laughter.

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"Um, Balthazar..." Eliseal said softly and shyly to the demon, her voice wasn't much but for some odd reason it was enough to make the man stop. "I have decided to except your dark arts training, and if I am to become a sage...so be it!" Eliseal said, especially the last part, with much confidence and honor in her voice.

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Zac smiled at her choice. 'Hmmm, she accepts the darkness, so, I will too. I hope my feeble form can contain the powers of light and darkness, because, chaos is a very touchy power, but, my light should sync with her pure darkness. This'll be fun' he thought. 'Good for you master' he said out loud.

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