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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Zac smirked again. 'Something tells me that we won't be obeying that daemon anytime soon. But, he seemed dodgey about how long he's been here. I'm beginning tot hink that Marcus is merely possessed than cursed. But, I don't envy that girl, Balthazar is walking straight in her direction'.

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ooc: He said we can as long as everyone is cool with it and we don't use it often


"Your going to run away." A voice said from the ruins of the city at Eliseal. "What? Who is this?" The voice didn't ring out again for a few moments. "Don't worry about that little detail, the point is, your going to run away?" Eliseal pondered on the question. "I wouldn't call it running away I would...." Th voice scoffed at Eliseal. "Damn you child! When the hell are you going to abandon you insecurities and just live!" Eliseal knelled down and started to cry slightly. "Who are you!? Why are you here!? What is your purpose!? These are the questions you need to ask yourself!" The voice got a little louder and it could be recognized as human...

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"Who are you!? NO, GET AWAY!" Eliseal screamed loudly and high at the unknown man and Balthazar at the same time. Suddenly she was engulfed in power unimaginable and unexpected of her to be possessing. A weird looking creature was summoned from her soul and didn't look like a summon that at summoner of her lower levels would possess. It was the biggest thing that could be seen, it was almost as big as an island.





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Zac nodded at the beast. 'I've only read about it in ancient tomes. Its a powerful summon passed down through a bloodline. This monster is capable of sowing destruction to the extreme. I don't know its name, but, I think that girl might be part of that bloodline. I'm not going to pretend I know much about that beats, but, if I'm correct, then you'll have a lot of work to do wraith'.

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"It's name is Yacem, and don't let it hear that either." The strange man that was talking to Eliseal was now talking to Grim and Zac. "I knew those demons must have done something to her but, I never knew what." The man finished, as he walked out from behind the building...



The huge summoned beast was anxious to kill whatever was in it's way. "*GURGLE* *SCREAM*" This summon was making a tremendous amount of noise that would pierce even the strongest magical barrier. The best swung it's hand at Balthazar with extreme force and power, so much that the debris from the city was getting blasted away just from him swinging his hand.

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Unfortunately fro Balthazar the summons arm healed and he slammed his two hands together on Balthazar, breaking a few of his arms in return for his broken arm. "*SCREAM**GURGLE*" The summon was just about to throw Balthazar, and where he was it could be noticed that Eliseal was unconscious. This so called summon was no longer a summon any longer, it was a real factual beast capable of free will.


"Yacem cannot be allowed to wander around freely. Kill it if you have to, by the way, Eliseal is not to know I was ever here." The man turned from Zac and Grim. "Eliseal is not to know her father is still alive..." With that, the man walked off and left Grim and Zac to deal with Yacem.

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